Windows Mobile 5/Motorola vs Samsung



I've read through all of the posts and seen a lot of comments good and bad about various operating systems, PDA's, etc. I have a unique situation in that my company has switched to Citrix so that all of our software programs are run off the server. We cannot install any other software, and Outlook no longer syncs with our Palms or any other PDA. They will only support 2 devices - the Samsung i730 and the Motorola Q - both with WM5.

Can anyone provide any advice or feedback on which one will be best to when trying to use GTD - just the plain old vanilla process? I can't use any additional software unless it's something I can install directly on the PDA. I just want to be able to use my tasks within their categories (having more than 15 categories would be nice, my Palm TX didn't have that capability) and all the basic functions of Outlook and GTD.

Any other advice on their functionality would be good as well.



Do not use either device. However the real issue appears to be the OS ... as both give you WM5 they should offer the same functions (i.e. No different than a Dell or H-P PC with windows installed).

So I would suggest spending your time looking at the OS and understanding if it works as you want. Then move onto the device. As an FYI, the Motorola Q has received a lot of buzz around its form factor, a lot of people seem to like the look and feel.

One further thought, given your firms direction are they prepared to provide devices to the staff? You should look in to this as it may save you some money.


The Q works for me

Hi there,

I just got the Q and so far am in love with it.

You are able to sort tasks by context (@errands, @phone, etc.).

It is very slender and small enough without being too small (if that makes sense). I love that fact that there is no antenna sticking out, and no stylus to lose.

The only complaint I could have is the battery life. The extended battery makes it slightly fatter, but buys you a bit more time. Nightly charging seems to be the thing to do though.

Both the charging and sync are done via USB port, which means if you just need a little juice to top up the battery you can do that via your laptop, or anyone's PC as long as you have your cable.

Great phone.


Motorola Q

I haven't been able to figure out how to make new categories of lists such as @errands. Are you using the standard Windows Smartphone or one of the 3rd party apps like XtremeAgenda or Papyrus?

If the former, would you care to share how you do it? If I can't figure this out I'm going to have to sell the phone and get a PocketPC phone like the 6700 or a Treo Palm... I'd rather not do this because I've read that the Q gets better phone reception - which I need.



More on the Q

Hey Eric,

I can't figure that out either. I have only been using the Q out of the box. No other apps.

I have really been using it as my task list while on the go and to sync with my laptop when out of the office.

Not to mention Bubble Breaker.....very addictive.


i730 user

I have been using an i730 since they were first released. I can't comment on how it works with GTD because I haven't started using it with GTD yet. I'm new to GTD. I can tell you that the i730 is a super phone / PDA. If you are computer literate and willing to spend time tweaking the i730 you can do anything. Visit for more information on the Samsung i730