A list manager for the lefthanded


Hi everybody,

every now and then I am unsatisfied with my list manager system.
I was using a small loose-leaf notebook, but as a left-handed person
I do not rally like the rings in the middle.
I wanted to change to a small notebook (like the moleskines) without
rings. But I can not really see how to best maintain the lists because
their order can not be changed :-/ I have searched via google for
"gtd and moleskine" and "gtd and small notebook" but I have not found
the tips and information I want.

Does anyone uses a small notebook as their system and can share his/her
experience? Or are you left-handed as well and have some tips especially
for lefties?

Any reply is appreciated



Being a lefty myself, I can sympathize with the ring issue. I have had the same problem. You could try a 3" x 5" hipster PDA, or if you need an actual notebook, maybe a Levenger Circa or Rollabind notebook would work. Although these have rings, you could rearrange them so that the spine would be on the right side, or even punch your own paper to create a custom notebook. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find many lefty-specific products out there, but both the Circa/Rollabind and the hipster PDA are very versatile.


Thank you for the first reply. I know the circa/rollabind system but it is
easy to get them here in Germany :-(

I am still very interested on how others manage their paper lists
in a moleskine-ish notebook. Do you have best practices? Do you
tear off used pages to keep the notebook clean?

Am interested in all tips/tricks and stories on how you have implemented
GTD with a non-loose-leaf notebook.



wbc;58227 said:
Thank you for the first reply. I know the circa/rollabind system but it is
easy to get them here in Germany :-(
In Europe, I think Atoma and Clairing are similar products.

I'm left-handed too, but I use a loose-leaf notebook. When I started with GTD, I used a pocket Moleskine as my main capture device and managed my lists in a Microsoft Word file. Update the file, print it out, and you have a legible set of lists for the day.

I just worked my way through the Moleskine from the beginning to the end -- I don't know how happy it would be if I had torn away lots of pages as I moved along.


I am a lefty and before I went electronic I used these top loading 2-ring binders. They may be bigger than you want, as they only come in 8.5 by 11 inch or A4 size for europe


I have also seen similar clipboards in office supply stores.

You could also use index cards and hold them together with a binder clip.


Guys, it's soooo simple...

...as a leftie, you use a spiral notebook and write BACK TO FRONT. Works great.


You can simply write on the back side of each page.

You can simply write on the back side of each page. Right-handed people have difficulty to write on this side.