Anthony Robbins



Is anyone familiar with Anthony Robbins time management system? It is called Time of Your LIfe and the actual planner in the Rapid Planning Method.



I downloaded and tried the RPM software a while back.
First, technically, the software is very sub-par, as to be expected, as desiging a full software package is very expensive.
Good luck with HotSync, and other tech issues! :wink:

But other than that, it actually has some similarities to GTD. The main one, in my view is that RPM is based on Outcomes, and the Actions to achieve them. This is similar to a GTD-Project.
I would make certain there is a REFUND option though before you get it, as you may find it cumbersome, and it is fairly costly?
But for real Tony Robbinites, it might be desirable.
Not for me though.
I can create the same structure with Outlook, AND with Outlook, you get hundreds of potential security threats FOR FREE!


Time of Your Life

I highly recommend the audio program Time of Your Life. There are some really good ideas in the program and by focusing on results and purpose before identifying actions I find I am much more productive than I otherwise might be.

I do not recommend the RPM software.

There is currently a pretty decent discussion on the Tony Robbins board for RPM about incorporating GTD ideas. You might want to check that out.


Tony Robbins

There's a very active Forum at the Tony Robbins website, you should be able to find out a lot more about the program there. It is a way of thinking which blends well with the David Allen system.


I don't have any particular favourite planner at all. Nor do I have favourite particular person who designed the planner.
What works for me is the combination of certain things from different planners. I would advice one thing. Always be FLEXIBLE when designing planner. I had been of of those people in past that used to say "emmm errrr since I am following this person's planner so I should just stick with it and not experiment. I spent x amount on that planner afterall so why should I play with it". Then I said to myself "wait a minute..what the heck am I doing. I am becoming DEPENDENT on the THINKING and THINGS made by others..Why can't I experiment. Afterall this is my life".

So now I have different combinations.
For time manangement I use mostly the things of GTD, 7 habits organizer, Brian CLegg's time managment principles, plus my own custom techniques.
For life time achievement I use some of GTD, RPM, 7 habits
For motivation Anthony Robbins and the book by Brian Clegg is good.
Is that all there is to it ?? NO
For family I use the Stephen Covey, John Cray (Men are from mars, women are from venus series)
For finding the flaws and weaknesses in myself I use the "Your Erroneous ZOnes" by Wayner W. Dyner
For humour based positive thinking I use the Zig Zigglar's books
Again is that all there is to it ?? NOOOO

C R E A T I V I T Y!!!!!!!!!!!

FOr that I use Edward De Bono (water logic, lateral thinking, by the way he has 70+ books), and Brian Clegg's books
Plus I use NLP overall, afterall Anthony Robbins used just this basic NLP and made his own technologies based on that like NAC etc.

So guys I would propose let's stop idealism, hero-worshipism, thisism, thatism,thoseism, theism and blahism etc and just learn from all the people, the entire nature, and from our past and just plan the future freely.. TREY THE UNKNOWN and don't fear it.


RPM + GTD, now that is a very powerful combination indeed.


Tony Robbins vs. GTD

I recommend buying a very expensive planner. I use a filofax cover. It's the classiest. It will make you feel that the planner is highly valuable, which it indeed is. You should invest in the finest leather that you can afford. So everytime you open it, you feel a sense of pride and are programming you mind for prosperity. Then invest in a very expensive a Montblanc. Again, you program your mind that time management is highly valuable and you are properous. You send that vibe to others who see you in meetings with this set up. Don't go for electronic devices..the leather filofax and montblanc pen sends the perfect signal to your brain and other.
As for system and fillers, I'd suggest studying all of the systems then hole punch into your planner what works. Like the post below, the best system is your own custom one. GTD has valuable strategies, as does Tony Robbins TOYL. You can't afford not to buy them, study them and use them.


Yes, always remember the words of Donald Trump.

If something is the most expensive, then it must be the best.

But what if always buying the most expensive nick-nacks from Salespeople reminds you everytime you look at them that you have the word Sucker written on your forehead?


I couldn't agree more with Reality Realm's post. The best system of organization and time management is the one you create yourself. I've spent the last 5 years studying different time management and organization systems. I started with Covey, then went to GTD, then Brian Tracy, then Tony Robbins TOYL RPM system, then I started to get into PDAs as well.
Well, my productivity shot through the roof using all of these. They all worked! Income doubled, promotions, better family life, etc. But I found that it really wasn't necessarily the system that worked..what really worked was my FOCUS on goals which led to planning which led to action lists. Getting organized and productive is a mindset. But I strongly urge everyone to study all systems, then blend them to your own taste and effectiveness.
BTW, I ended dumping the PDAs. I couldn't write, draw, let creativity flow, speed of input was debilitated, etc. I went back to a paper planner. I blend different system fillers into the binder.
Finally, the best insiprational quote I ever heard was from Jim Rohn: "Work harder on yourself than your job and you'll make a fortune". So true. Stephen Covey, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracey also maintain the same tenant: stay into personal development activities to accomplish everything you can ever want.


Anonymous said:
I couldn't agree more with Reality Realm's post. The best system of organization and time management is the one you create yourself. I've spent the last 5 years studying different time management and organization systems. I started with Covey, then went to GTD, then Brian Tracy, then Tony Robbins TOYL RPM system, then I started to get into PDAs as well.
Well, my productivity shot through the roof using all of these. They all worked! Income doubled, promotions, better family life, etc. But I found that it really wasn't necessarily the system that worked..what really worked was my FOCUS on goals which led to planning which led to action lists. Getting organized and productive is a mindset. But I strongly urge everyone to study all systems, then blend them to your own taste and effectiveness.
BTW, I ended dumping the PDAs. I couldn't write, draw, let creativity flow, speed of input was debilitated, etc. I went back to a paper planner. I blend different system fillers into the binder.
Finally, the best insiprational quote I ever heard was from Jim Rohn: "Work harder on yourself than your job and you'll make a fortune". So true. Stephen Covey, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracey also maintain the same tenant: stay into personal development activities to accomplish everything you can ever want.

Fah. Use what works and don't worry whether it works for others...or what others' opinion of your system is.

I actually took the idea from PlannerPad and adapted it in Microsoft Word to suit my needs. Now I have a two-page-per-week view that I've needed for quite some time.

If you're studying Jim Rohn, he advocates living below your means...and I don't need to spend $110 for a leather cover to show people how cool I am. :eek:


I gained a lot from Tony; did his entire mastery program in the mid-90s. Much of my success I owe to what I learned from him. But man, RPM was a brutal program. Reminded me of a building designed in Russia during the 1960s. Just unwieldy has hell. I got what Tony was trying to do, but it was, for me, just a mess.

As always, if you get one idea from something, it's often worth the price. So as long as there's some kind of full refund available, check it out. But GTD is elegant, lightweight, clear, and miles beyond what RPM tried to convey.

Dicount products

If anyone is interested in any of Anthony Robbins products I can sell you brand new, never opened discounted and up to date RPM planner kits, The time of your life, Power Talk, Get the edge, and much much more. Just email me at with what you want and I can give you the price and ship it to you.


I have also benefited a great deal from Tony Robbins's teachings. UPW, Personal Power II, the relationship DVD's, etc. I liked UPW so much, that I convinced my sister to go and chipped in for her ticket. She got her friend to go, but something came up and he won't be able to use the ticket. So, I am helping him sell it. I would use it, but I'm actually crewing at the event.

The event is in August (10th - 13th) in Long Beach, CA. If anyone is interested, let me know (email me at bbcmember at gmail dot com). We're selling it for $745 or best offer. Don't be shy in making an offer.