Anybody ever heard of missioncontrol?


Anybody have any experience with There was an article in my local paper and a local workshop (cost $529).

Hard to tell how similar this is to GTD. Descriptions sound great, but are pretty vague to me.

I'm open to thoughts, opinions.



Someone asked about it a while back. I looked at their web site then and again quickly just now. Feel free to look back for the old posts. As for giving them your money, just look at their web site and ask what exactly are you buying. If you aren't sure, you have your answer. Save your money.


Thanks for the reply.

I did search before posting, didn't find anything. I'll search again.


Frank Buck

I have read some things on it. Also, they offer some free webinars through Microsoft (using Outlook with Mission Control).

In a nutshell, my interpretation is that you have a list of stuff you are "Not Doing Now" and a list of "Never Doing Now." My take is "Never Doing Now" is "Someday/Maybe" and that you look atthe "Not Doing Now" list to pick things to put on your calendar. The big philosophy difference is that everything is put on the calendar. The way things are put on the calendar, is that you block of time slots for certain activities (such as checking e-mail). I just don't see it as handling the details.

Also, I called them one day to ask for a description of the model. Whereas you go to David Allen's website and you get a great deal of the methodology up front for free, these folks were pretty secretive. For example, when I asked what the "Not Doing Now" and "Never Doing Now" was all about, I couldn't even get a decription of them.


Ah...didn't know it was a partner to Landmark. Thanks.

Frank, helpful as usual. Thanks.



Freudian slip?

ReBuild said:
It appears to have got a lot of people going as the threat runs 2 pages. My take on the group is proceed with caution.

I lead this discussion and assume "threat" is a Freudian slip for "thread" - hope the latter as being threatening was never my intent :)

I've brought both these discussions to Mission Control's attention - it would be great to get their input!