Anyone else using gtd-php?


Newbie here, please be gentle. ;)

I've looked into many different GTD applications but ended up settling on gtd-php. You can view info at

The app is free and is web-based, but you need to be able to install php applications on a web server. There are no companies that offer pre-packaged gtd-php services that I know of.

Anyway, it offers a lot that I was looking for (actions, next actions, contexts, projects) except for subtasks and a calendar, although I can list actions by due date. It just does't appear in calendar format. There are also things offered (visions, roles, values) that I may never use. One problem is that on the iPod Touch I can't access the menu list at the top of the page. I need to get to my lists using the links below it. That's annoying but I'm just glad I can view and modify using the mobile.

For anyone interested in more info the author has a demo page here:

Is anyone else using GTD-PHP? If so have you found a way to implement a calendar or subtasks? How about reminders?

If there is a *reliable* web-based service (one that won't disappear in 6 months) that is similar and has an iPhone counterpart I'd be happy to hear about it. I've looked into Omnifocus, Pocket Informant, Action Lists, ToodleDo, Remember The Milk, Dunnit, Evernote, Todo, and nozbe. None had everything that I wanted. Nozbe was close but I don't like the UI. ToodleDo is probably closest and I'm trying to learn to use it but I don't care for the UI. GTD-PHP is easy on my eyes. ToodleDo is not. heh


I've been using GTD-PHP ever since I've read the book. Because it's PHP, you can integrate it with everything.

For example, I write an email to myself to make an inbox item.
You can bookmark your @Contexts.
Tagging support (I use a "top actions" tag to choose the most important 3 things I need to do each day)

One think that it's missing is file uploads.


I'm using gtd-php, and have been for some time. Running it from a NAS box acting as a web server. I started wanting to use it with my iPad, and came up against the same problem as you on the toolbar not working properly. Solution seems to be to switch to the sidebar theme, at least on the iPad where the screen is quite big.
