Barnes Noble University GTD Class



I saw on today that they are starting another GTD class on 7/9 and it is currently open for registration. Thought others might be interested as well.

If anyone has taken the class, I'd be interested in hearing how you liked it, what you got out of it, etc.


I too have signed up for this course (after reading the book twice and listening to the CD set twice)!!!

I'm not exactly 'black belt' yet - but I am much better than I was two months ago :wink:

So, I too, would be interested in any feedback related to this course.

Carol C
Phila. PA


Feedback re course

Well, if Anne Gennett (sorry if I'm spelling that wrong) is teaching it, as she was when I took it a couple of years ago, it will be great. The best part was the message board on B&N, where Anne would answer specific questions for you. Enjoy!


I took the course and found it very helpful. It also helped me stop procrastinating on reading the book. I would recommend it to anyone using or thinking of using the system.


B and N--excellent

I found the on-line class helpful--it was like a walk-through of selected portions of the GTD book. I had found the book very hard to read at first (even although I have a Ph.D. the language and concepts were rather foreign to me). I also have the FAST tapes and think they are helpful. I am still in struggle mode with managing projects but I can now get through a pile a mail with must less stress and my files are getting more user friendly every time I work with them.Make sure that you have the book when you take the course--I found it helpful to have the book by the computer and a second copy where I usually read. I ended up with two copies bec. I had misplaced the book, but having two copies turned out to be good thing. You may want to make sure you know how to enter and use the "classroom" as I found that a bit of a challenge. Also, have aper and pencil for jotting down notes unless you know how to do that back and forth going between the "classroom" and your own note taking.