Breaking out of Email as your GTD manager


I find myself stuck in my email as my GTD manager. Any suggestions on how to use email more like my snail mail. I would never imagine using my mailbox at home to manage my life, but yet I do this with Apple Mail and Outlook


Oh I don't know ... I can see people using email as list manager especially if that's how a lot of actionable stuff comes in.

Outlook in particular is more than an email system - it does have task management functionality and with the plug-in you can also create projects.

So I do not know how you've set up things but I would say perhaps consider that as long as you're doing GTD ... you've got your buckets organized and you're getting things done ... you don't need to worry about what software is doing it. The important thing is that it works!

Cheers, Enyo


It sounds like the issue may be tied to a) getting "In" to "zero" and b) separating out the different workflow phases.

I find that my email inbox will grow to around 2000 items if I let it, but what keeps it manageable is a trusted archive and good search capability. Then get comfortable with having the calendar and tasks view be your primary focus when "Doing".

One exercise that may be helpful is to track your time - (I think this was discussed on the "Threefold Nature of Work" webinar)
