Connect Quarterly

I received my first issue of Connect Quarterly in the mail over the weekend and have read it once. I'm interested in other's thoughts, but wanted to offer a few of my own first.

First of all, my issue was torn. Obviously both DavidCo and the USPS have some responsibility here, but you might want to consider placing the next volume in an envelope.

The articles were all right - the length was certainly manageable - all could be easily read in just under 10 minutes and the entire booklet took less than an hour to read in its entirety (that counts the time I spent taping mine back together since the corner was ripped from postage).

I thought the article on checklisting was timely - particularly given that much of the country was being pummled by a fierce winter storm when the quarterly came out. I think the title was a bit misleading though. If the article was just about creating checklists so you don't forget things at important times - it should have been about creating checklists (perhaps some mental modeling techniques for walking yourself through a situation before it happens, ways to find scenarios you haven't thought of, etc.). Instead, this article was clearly about checklists for emergencies. If "checklisting" is going to be the title of an article in each issue of the quarterly and it's more of a section than a true feature article, then perhaps some explanation to the reader -as is common in most magazines in differentiating features from departments - would have been appropriate in this inaugural issue.

I truly did appreciate the article on testimonials. This concept - of envisioning your potential so that you can live to it - is exactly why I use GTD and continue to be a member of Connect.

In general, this had the feeling of a conversation with David - with him sharing some of the most recent things which have been on his mind. Perhaps quarterly isn't the way to do that - perhaps David should simply share more regularly on the forums and in his own spotlight section - giving connect members more day to day contact with him and allowing us more opportunities to discuss the content he posts on a regular basis.
Nice timing!

Only a few weeks ago, I said to Lisa that the "CD on eight months out of the year" tempo of GTD Connect left a perfect gap for a quarterly newsletter. She sneakily didn't let on that GTD Quarterly was about to hit my mailbox.

I thoroughly enjoyed the newsletter, and look forward to collecting rather a lot of them. I imagine re-reading them will help me further unpeel the onion in much the same way as leafing through GTD and RTA for the Nth time.

kmonroe;44034 said:
First of all, my issue was torn. Obviously both DavidCo and the USPS have some responsibility here, but you might want to consider placing the next volume in an envelope.

Mine came in yesterday, placed in a solid plastic envelope, and it was not torn at all. Actually it was very fine, and this one travelled cross the atlantic to Norway.

I haven't read it all yet, but David's writing really makes you calm down and reflect on things.
The advantage of living outside the USA.

toremor;44091 said:
Mine came in yesterday, placed in a solid plastic envelope, and it was not torn at all. Actually it was very fine, and this one travelled cross the atlantic to Norway.
Mine was packaged in the similar way. It is the advantage of living outside the USA. ;-)
Suggestion for the next Quarterly

Space allowing, that is....

Can I suggest a box on one of the end pages for Next Actions?

I read the newsletter sitting on a (delayed) plane - for someone who normally only reads things of a computer screen, it was welcome relief. Trouble is, I didn't have anything to write on (I know, I know - I should have had my UCT with me - it was in the overhead compartment - there was a stern flight attendant - forgive me!).

I ended up writing NA's around my address on the back page, based on things that the various articles sparked (especially the one about clearing out your computer).

Not sure if it's possible though, as space will be at a premium - just a thought.

Having said that - really enjoyed the newsletter - looking forward to the next one
Many thanks to Lisa - a new version was sent

Many thanks to Lisa - I received a non-torn version of Connect Quarterly - safely esconced in an enveloped along with a nice note. Thanks for making it right and demonstrating the quality we expect from DavidCo. It is much appreciated.