GTD 14-Day Challenge webinars

John Forrister

Staff member
How well do you know the five steps of mastering your workflow? What is your current satisfaction level with your implementation and mastery of GTD? Give yourself an easy to follow 14-Day Challenge, led by senior coaches Meg Edwards and Kelly Forrister, to bring your GTD systems to a new and improved level of efficiency and execution.

Part One -- Wednesday, March 9, 12pm-1:00pm PST

Part Two -- Wednesday, March 23, 12pm-1:00pm PST
Part of why I took the plunge and committed to being a GTD Connect member. I've signed up for both webinars and am interested in seeing how things will look for me towards the end of this month!
I participated in the 14-day part I webinar given my Meg Edwards and Kelly Forrister. Absolutely outstanding! I love those two -- they are so fun to listen and learn from. I am now creating my 14-day action plan to improve upon different components of the 5 phases. Thanks Meg and Kelly!!
I was able to attend as well. I will only be working on 3 or maybe 4 of the areas, I've just got too much going on right now to do too much with this in teh next 2 weeks.

My goals are:

Capture - Nothing in Capture - I already capture so much that I sure don't need any encouragement in this area! ;-)
Clarify - Work to really finish the clarify part BEFORE I organize. I tend to just dump stuff directly into my lists without really getting to a concrete next action. Organize - Continue to work on my on-going clean-up of reference and project support materials. For the next 2 weeks I'm going to try to clean the paper project support as I pull stuff out to work on a particular project.
Reflect - I plan to actually schedule on my calendar time for my weekly reviews the next 2 weeks. We will be shearing the sheep so time is limited and if I don't block it out it won't happen.
Engage - Given the shearing and other sheep work schedule I plan to really go through my projects this coming weekly review and put as many as I can into someday/maybe. I will be testing putting start dates on a bunch that will start after shearing and see if that helps.
Longstreet said:
I participated in the 14-day part I webinar given my Meg Edwards and Kelly Forrister. Absolutely outstanding! I love those two -- they are so fun to listen and learn from. I am now creating my 14-day action plan to improve upon different components of the 5 phases. Thanks Meg and Kelly!!

Thanks Longstreet! We have so much fun doing these for all of you, so I am so glad that came through!

John is working on getting the video replay up, but I wanted to share some of the resources I recommended on the webinar:

Workflow Diagram Handout - Classic or Illustrated
Threefold Nature of Work Webinar
Threefold Nature of Work Article
Guided Weekly Review Webinar
Weekly Review Checklist Handout
I participated in the Webinar, then left town for a two-day conference, then have been digging out ever since. Finally sitting down to my notes and seeing what work I can do on my challenge before next Wednesday's Webinar.
Watched the webinar today - I echo the thanks to Meg and Kelly!

​My goals for the next two weeks are (since I'm getting a late start):

Capture - make a list of all my inboxes and add these to my weekly review checklist

Clarify (my lowest scoring area) - get each inbox to zero 7 times over the next 14 days (this will be a stretch - not so much for deciding what an item is, just the discipline of looking at those inboxes that aren't on my phone!); put workflow diagram up at home desk (it's on my wall in my office); R&D a time / trigger to empty an inbox (at work, I do this during my first cup of coffee)

Organize - move a lamp that prevents me from opening my filing cabinet (duh!); move active project support folders closer to my work station (some are here, but I can move things around to move the rest of them closer); make a "one-off" folder (aka action support - I just ignore the phrase "action support" so these paper items stay in one of my inbox boxes that also contains backlog I want to work on - would be good to get these segregated)

Reflect - go through each of my physical project support files in the next Weekly Review (another stretch! I tend to keep my project NA's in OmniFocus so I don't have to go through these each WR)

Engage - by doing all the items above!
Fr Matthew said:
I participated in the Webinar, then left town for a two-day conference, then have been digging out ever since. Finally sitting down to my notes and seeing what work I can do on my challenge before next Wednesday's Webinar.

Me too....I was at a research conference in Los Angeles Tuesday - Friday. I have a lot of "stuff" to process to determine what it is...
Just listened to Part 1 as my 14 day challenge starts today....
I am going to focus on Clarify. I really connected with the fact that my lists are just my mind sweep, perhaps with a verb in front. My workflow map is front and centre on my desk tomorrow and my actions are going into @clarify until they truly are actions.
Just listened to Part 2. Meg and Kelly are SO GOOD!! Thanks so much for these -- it was incredibly helpful.
Longstreet said:
Hi Kelly....are you and any of the other GTD coaches on Twitter?

I have an account, but I don't post from it. I just use it to follow some interesting people. The only other coach I know of that has an account is Wayne Pepper @LordZul.
Hrlakat said:
Watched the webinar today - I echo the thanks to Meg and Kelly!

​My goals for the next two weeks are (since I'm getting a late start):

Capture - make a list of all my inboxes and add these to my weekly review checklist

Clarify (my lowest scoring area) - get each inbox to zero 7 times over the next 14 days (this will be a stretch - not so much for deciding what an item is, just the discipline of looking at those inboxes that aren't on my phone!); put workflow diagram up at home desk (it's on my wall in my office); R&D a time / trigger to empty an inbox (at work, I do this during my first cup of coffee)

Organize - move a lamp that prevents me from opening my filing cabinet (duh!); move active project support folders closer to my work station (some are here, but I can move things around to move the rest of them closer); make a "one-off" folder (aka action support - I just ignore the phrase "action support" so these paper items stay in one of my inbox boxes that also contains backlog I want to work on - would be good to get these segregated)

Reflect - go through each of my physical project support files in the next Weekly Review (another stretch! I tend to keep my project NA's in OmniFocus so I don't have to go through these each WR)

Engage - by doing all the items above!

​My report card:

Capture - done. I realized I didn't have my traveling / commuting inboxes on the list, so they've been added.

Clarify - succeeded with 1/2 of the email inboxes, got the rest empty about 3 times each. What I realized by going through this Challenge is that I have too many inboxes, so emptying some of the email inboxes was repelling me. I set up Outlook on my new PC and now funnel all the email inboxes into one place. That resulted in meeting the challenge for some of the inboxes that hadn't been properly cleared in a long while (though both do have backlog - and I chipped away at some of that as well!). I also found two triggers to clear personal email inboxes - morning commute and during my lunch break - which has helped me clear them down to zero in the evenings.

I also realized that I was getting too much "junk" email. I'm on a few mailing lists because I'm interested in an associated blog, but that comes at the price of a lot of unrelated sales emails. So I unsubscribed from those lists and now have a project to set up an e-reader to follow the blogs instead.

I'll put up the new GTD workflow at home when it shows up - man I love it when things get done *** automagically ***

Organize - lamp moved (and did a lot of filing, project folders moved closer to my work station, made the folder.

Reflect - not done. Will schedule time to do this over the next week (can't do a really long WR today).

Overall, I'm glad I did the Challenge. It helped me identify parts of my system that I had gone numb to, that weren't working as well for me as I could.

Looking forward to the next one (summer?).

Meg and Kelly should take their show on the road! You two feed off of each other and are SO fun to watch!