How can I work with GTD as a Freelancer?


Hi there everyone,

I'm a freelance copywriter/content writer. I just signed up for the email list and created an account here to see if GTD is right for me. I know it's been around for more than 30 years, but I don't 'get' the model for working in my business.

I want to have time to: write my blog posts and e-newsletter articles, prospect, (such as making direct cold calls) and write the actual client writing that actually pays the bills. Right now eight hours or more really flies by as I research high-probability prospects to call/email, contact them when they are good ones to call, and write my own business content. When I have a priority to do a demanding client project, I don't get calls made, or I don't get content written for my online business. I'm not able to be very productive as I am.

How do I "Capture" everything? Is there more information in the book, or am I supposed to watch the clock and keep track of what I do for an hour at a time? I'm also investigating using a time tracking app that doesn't necessarily track work for a particular client project.

How would GTD work for me?



I want to have time to: write my blog posts and e-newsletter articles, prospect, (such as making direct cold calls) and write the actual client writing that actually pays the bills. Right now eight hours or more really flies by as I research high-probability prospects to call/email, contact them when they are good ones to call, and write my own business content. When I have a priority to do a demanding client project, I don't get calls made, or I don't get content written for my online business. I'm not able to be very productive as I am.

How do I "Capture" everything? Is there more information in the book, or am I supposed to watch the clock and keep track of what I do for an hour at a time? I'm also investigating using a time tracking app that doesn't necessarily track work for a particular client project.

How would GTD work for me?
GTD is not a time tracking methodology. It isn't a time making methodology either. It's "just" a set of principles for using the available time more purposfully and effectively.
In GTD you don't capture past events. You capture stuff that draws your attention. Now. Stuff that may require your action.


@FoundMyTime, I would suggest reading the book or finding a certified GTD coach/trainer (the book is naturally the lower-cost option). Personal interpretations and implementations of GTD vary wildly, and it's easy to pick up misconceptions by starting your learning curve with comments from individual users (I should know -- that's how I tried to start with GTD). The book and/or official training services will present the material in the most objective format, and you can judge for yourself how to make it work for you.

I also think a lot of the comments in this forum will make a lot more sense once you have a basic grounding in what GTD truly is.