I getting lost in my small tasks


Anyone can help me with my tasks management ?

Hi, I run many projects at the same time.
My problem is centralizing all the task from different software.

1.When I start a new project all the tasks, subtask are going into Kanban style software. Everything is fine here.
2.My actual work is done in excel,word,onenote etc

When I start my project ,I use KANBAN soft. (trello and similar) to I know where to start .

PROBLEM:When I am in ecxel ,word ,onenote I put notes,mini-tasks,follows-up in the file I'm currently in .
Example:When I 'm in onenote and I'm working on manufacturers search and an idea pop-up like"Call Tom and asks about price difference between metal and plastic."
So ,It is an actual task, but I put it inside onenote , instyead of KANBAN, because this way I will know what is this note all about. When I scroll onenote I will find what to do . My onenote file will be called manufacturers.I can easiliy locate this mini tasks becasue they have diferent color and unfinished ones are in red.

So it works good,until you switch documnets or projects. By the time you come back to it, it will be one week and I still haven't called factory about those details.

I really hate to duplicate every single task that I put in onenote and then in KANBAN . This would also require going back to KANBAN and mark as complete.

How do you handle your work flow and tasks with a task managemnt soft like TRELLO,ASANA and similar.

Thank you.


john4000 said:
I really hate to duplicate every single task that I put in onenote and then in KANBAN .

So don't put them in OneNote if KANBAN is your main GTD system.


I agree with TesTeq, the idea is to have one trusted system where everything is. Switching contexts can be distracting so just have pen and paper ready, jot whatever comes to mind down and put in into your in-tray which you process into KANBAN at a more convenient time.


john4000 said:
PROBLEM:When I am in ecxel ,word ,onenote I put notes,mini-tasks,follows-up in the file I'm currently in .
Example:When I 'm in onenote and I'm working on manufacturers search and an idea pop-up like"Call Tom and asks about price difference between metal and plastic."

You've already defined the problem. You shouldn't be putting any tasks into Excel, word or one note. If you need to capture a task save it on paper or something that then goes into your inbox for processing into your kanban system. Be sure you capture enough information to really understand the task, so in the above example I'd take a quick note probably on paper " Call Tom re price diff metal & plastic widgets capture bracket" Toss that into my paper inbox and then when I process next (I aim for 1-1.5 hrs a day processing inputs) I'll pull that out and say oh, this belongs in the SuperDuper Widget designed project in the context of Phone business hours and add it as appropriate into my system.

Pick one place to store your action lists and use it exclusively. Splitting things up doesn't work.