Intention versus Method


Jason Womack

I had an interesting experience today while training in a triathlon in Santa Barbara. I was about 25 miles into a bike ride, and realized that my “cycling form” was completely off. I was working “too hard” and not keeping up with my training group. I realized that I had been carrying an expectation of keeping up with the other people, instead of focusing on my own training. For the next 12 miles of biking, and 4 of running, I agreed to train my own way, in my own timing.

It made me wonder, how often do I try to “get things done” for some other reason then to simply keep my own agreements about what gets finished! I am continually learning that all these methods are designed with “me” in mind. It’s less and less about the methods I use, and more about the intention I hold as I go into the next “work” session…whatever that is!

Jason Womack


I don't know if it was so much the motive, as letting my opinions of what I "should be doing" go. I noticed through the rest of the weekend, I was much more "intentional" about what I was doing.