Is GTD scalable for someone with ADHD?


Adhd success = adhd treatment + gtd


I have ADHD, diagnosed, and deal with your questions regularly. A few comments:

1) GTD is not a replacement for your other ADHD tools - meds, counseling, etc. It is an excellent additional tool.

2) I do not know the impact ADHD has in dealing with your daily tasks. In moy case, if something is not caught in a visual format for future review is is simply gone - until some remionds me of what I haven't done. If you are struggling daily, and not getting a script for Concerta, Wellbutrin, etc., succeeding with GTD will be difficult. If you can't focus, you can't focus. No system will address that.

3) If you are not as impacted as I am, or already addressing the ADHD focus issues with your doctor/therapist, then GTD can be a god send.
For me, when I have one of my many ideas and start processing a next action, I also take a moment to decide if that next action is worth the time and energy to do, in light of the 73 other ideas I had that morning. I am also very selective about what goes nto the maybe/someday list. If I weren't I would not have time to review it weekly. I I have earned to often say that it is not and let the idea die on the vine. It was tough, but I now give myself permission to be okay with limiting myself. Thus, avoiding the failure from overextending myself.


Adhd success = adhd treatment + gtd (2)

A little operator error on the last post.: :oops:

To the point: GTD is great tool for my ADHD. But I do need to actively make sure I am not making uneccessary work for myself when I decide to do something.

Hope that helps.