Link between Productivity and Happyness


GTDer and Meditator
David Allen defines the Productive Experience when we are meaningful engaged in what we are doing.

Reading this article about Happiness I realized that we are talking about the same thing.

Productive Experience equals Happiness!

Here are the three things of Happiness:

1) to readily experience pleasure at the right times—e.g., to laugh when the joke is funny, savor the delicious food, bask in the warmth of affection, and capitalize on those feelings so they last;

2) to acknowledge and express feelings that arise under more difficult circumstances, like anger, sadness, and fear, as they signal important information about what to do next; and then

3) to practice resilience so we can recover from these states gracefully and learn from them.


GTD'R 4 Life
Hi Daniel;

Wow, thank you for the amazing article, and the similarities that exist with GTD and happiness...staying in the moment to experience it, and to cultivate resilience that allows us to rebound when those moments are challenging, painful and difficult.

really really good article...thanks again;)