List of free Cross Platform GTD apps



Tony Osime

Free Cross Platform GTD apps

Thanks Andy for sharing this list.

It prompted me to try the ThinkingRock application, which I did not realize had a free version.

I like ThinkingRock's strict implementation of GTD and the graphical overview in the opening screen. This is a good way to learn GTD and help others learn GTD while implementing it.

Since there are over 111 GTD applications, someone should create a flow chart to help people navigate to the best GTD application for their specific needs. The flow chart should steer you through limitations, strengths, weaknesses and unusual features then give you the best choices.

The list at:

is a good start. However, someone should try the different products and create a flow chart.

Possibly someone at The David Allen Company could do this as a full time job, given the large number of applications, updates and forum comments on each application.


Kelly | GTD expert
Official GTD resource guide?

Possibly someone at The David Allen Company could do this as a full time job, given the large number of applications, updates and forum comments on each application.

You are so right, it could be a full-time job for one or more of us, with over 175+ applications (that we know of) claiming to "do" GTD. It's a balance for us to provide the information, but not imply endorsement, given GTD is "tool-agnostic." And frankly, some are claiming to be built for GTD, but entirely miss the methodology.

We are looking at putting something together though, as a helpful GTD resource guide, on GTD Times. Stay tuned...



Andy, thanks for posting this.

I never heard about GTD-Free and I'm checking it out now. Anyone using this software?

Would love to know what you think of it.



I used GTD-Free for a while

GTD-Free was nice, but I ultimately settled on MonkeyGTD. My favorite app is Things on the Mac, but we use Windows machines at work, so it's not really an option for me.

At work we use Lotus Notes and Blackberrys, which would be a good option. Problem is I DESPISE the task list on the Blackberry to the point, where I mentally can't use it as a trusted source.

Right now I just use MonkeyGTD on a thumb drive, and it works for me.



Another possible one

The online task list Remember The Milk now works with Google Gears. This effectively allows you to take the site offline and local on your PC and sync up the next time you have an available Internet connection.

Remember the Milk -

Google Gears -

Remember The Milk also has an iPhone app, and their MilkSync app to sync your tasks with Blackberry and Windows Mobile devices.