Listing day- or week-specific actions when you have a lot?



Maybe because I have more deadlines now, I am finding that many of my next actions need to be done by specific days, sometimes as many as 20 discrete tasks that are distributed between 5 or 6 contexts. Since I am trying to eliminate the "prioritized to do list" habit (which was often an "ignore it until a crisis hits" list), I am not sure how to handle these long lists of things to do. My calender pages are too small for a long list and sometimes they have to moved forward for a variety of reasons, such as got stuck in traffic, a machine wasn't working, it took longer than expected or once I started the action I realized that I need additional materials or they all might get bumped due to a crisis. Also, sometimes a day-specific action creates the need to be in a context that can enable me to get through a lot of next-actions that are not due on that day but by doing them then, I save time in the future even if they are not a priority--but this requires that I make sure that I do not have something with a dealine that reqauires being in another context.




(This is my personal interpretation of the Priority question.)
In the Processing phase, you do assign priorities - Calendar, Action List or Someday/Maybe. A Calendar item has a higher priority than an Action List item. If you have available time to can tack on a context-related Action List item to a Calendar item, that's great. But if you have other Calendar items that fill your day, they come first. A Calendar item that gets stalled goes back in the pot for Processing, which you will probably want to do without delay.

Bottom line: Contexts aid in creating efficiency in the day, either in the planning of the day or as fill-in when time becomes available, but it does not override the previously-set priorities (Calendar vs ASAP).

The biggest problem I have encountered is not using the Calendar enough and then being faced with a whole slew of Action Items with no distinguishing priority. That just means having to go back to Processing after you have already "Organized". I prefer to preserve the integrity of the Calendar vs ASAP distinction by creating a separate Daily Plan/Schedule, using Contexts to help me to shape a sensible day.



Could you elaborate on your sensible daily plan based on contexts?



Planning with Contexts

In my view, categorization is simply the grouping of items with common characteristics. Contexts categorize by "Resource", i.e., places, tools, people, etc. I use Contexts in 2 ways:

1. Reactively - if I am in a place or have a tool or person available and I have some time and energy/interest and it is of sufficient priority, I can zero in on a particular list of items that become Doable in the Context I am in and pick something off. But I never prioritize a "convenient" item ahead of an Urgent/Important items that might require a different Context.

2. Proactively - I can plan my schedule for efficiency by using the Context lists to combine items that can logically be Done together. If my day isn't filled with appointments, I can create my own appointments with @Car or @Online, etc. and structure my day.

Since on most days, I have few appointments and a lot of control over my Calendar, I use Contexts for daily planning more than for Doing "in the moment".
