Locations of General Reference


I currently have two general reference cabinets: one at work, and one at home. I'm not sure this is best practice, but even so, I'm considering starting a third specific to projects. Will this complicate looking for things? Where do you all keep your project files?
Nearly all of my project files are in Evernote. Because I almost always have my iPad and/or iPhone with me, I have all of my project files wherever I am. The only exception are files for complex projects that I have to keep on paper (ie work budget). Those reside in my desk drawer. I don’t like clutter on my desk.

Paper reference files for work are in file cabinets at work.
Personal paper reference files are in file cabinets at home.
I currently have two general reference cabinets: one at work, and one at home. I'm not sure this is best practice, but even so, I'm considering starting a third specific to projects. Will this complicate looking for things? Where do you all keep your project files?
I keep active paper files in a separate drawer in a desk side file cabinet. Electronic active files are in DEVONThink in my Active Projects folder. Inactive or on hold project files are in my general reference file cabinets, either paper (I have 4 of them) or electronic (in DEVONThink)
Thank you both! My electronic project files are in a single portable hard drive for me. Ever since I've started GTD I've come to realize how important paper files still are to my workflow. I'll go ahead and add a work "active projects" cabinet or file holder. Even though I have these projects listed in my @workprojects list, I think that having a separate file will aid in my weekly review.
I currently have two general reference cabinets: one at work, and one at home. I'm not sure this is best practice, but even so, I'm considering starting a third specific to projects. Will this complicate looking for things? Where do you all keep your project files?

I think having separate general reference cabinets for work and home is fine. For some of us it's a necessity; if your office is somewhere other than where you live, it wouldn't make sense to keep work files at home and vice versa.

As for keeping project files separate from general reference files, that's what I do. It works well for me. I'd suggest trying it to decide for yourself.

As a rule of thumb, if something makes your life and work easier rather than harder, it's probably compatible with a good GTD practice.
I keep active paper files in a separate drawer in a desk side file cabinet. Electronic active files are in DEVONThink in my Active Projects folder. Inactive or on hold project files are in my general reference file cabinets, either paper (I have 4 of them) or electronic (in DEVONThink)

Similar to @Oogiem, I keep my most active physical project folders in an expandable file that travels with me in my briefcase. It’s a portable version of a separate file cabinet.