Managing the process of turning a prospect into a client



I'm a financial planner and I have a process of approaching a new prospect and turning that prospect into a client. It typically involves a few initial phone calls, an initial meeting in which I gather information and financial facts, then I prepare a written financial plan and various recommendations (products and investment vehicles), then book a final meeting, close the business, process and submit the business back at my office, follow up with the various companies that I submit to, coordinate with other advisors who I might be using as resources, etc. It's a flow chart that twists and turns and reverses and goes forward. As you can imagine, I'm having a difficult time fitting all of that into my action lists and projects and agendas, while trying to keep track of all of the details for each potential client. If anyone has any experience with how they're managing this with the use of paper and computer, please let me know. I've just started using GTD - read the book a couple of times. Thanks. Tom