MS Outlook Notes or Project Lists?


Hi. So i have the outlook add-in, but I have a question. For those of you who use it, do you find that you end up putting your project lists, particularly the Someday/maybe ones, in the notes section of Outlook? Or do you make a task in the gtd section of the ad-in and then put it under the S/M heading? I don't want to make things too redundant. I probably already have. I have categories that I have both as "action" items in the gtd section of the add-in and then in the Notes section. I'm not sure how to clean those up. thoughts? Thanks, Dave



I keep my project and someday/maybe lists in Outlook Tasks. Outlook Notes would work as well, but I like to see my project deadlines in the Task Toolbar and alongside my calendar.

I don't use Outlook notes often, but I do store checklists and reference items there. Examples include items I routinely pack for trips, the steps of my Weekly Review, and gift ideas.

Having all action or potential action items in one place has been very helpful for me to limit the number of places I need to look on a regular basis.

Hope this helps,