New webinar on Dealing with Backlog

John Forrister

GTD Connect
Staff member
Hi GTD Connect members,

We've just scheduled a new live webinar to help you deal with backlog. This webinar is for you if backlog is keeping you from reaching inbox zero. You'll get practical and tactical strategies for dealing with any kind of backlog in your system. Led by senior coaches Meg Edwards and Kelly Forrister. Come prepared with real-time access to backlog in one of your inboxes, to work on during the webinar.

Tue, Jun 21, 2016 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PDT


I really enjoyed the webinar.

I've been feeling frustrated that my project to get rid of my computer backlog is taking forever and progress has slowed to a crawl. However, in the webinar the comments about choosing when to work on backlog helped me realize that I'm keeping up with current so that the backlog can take a while and not to worry so much. At least it's all contained and isolated in folders that say "Needs_Cleaning" in the folder name. :)

I would like some more ideas on how to handle physical items backlog, the massive collections of stuff in garages, closets, cabinets and shelves. Trying to even break that down is very difficult for me. I get a deer in headlights look when I even contemplate trying to g through all of that and in some cases it's boxes from almost 20 years ago that I can't just throw out because when I do manage to sort one I usually find 1 or 2 items that are important for one of my ongoing genealogy or scrapbook projects. In all cases these are items and papers that I am really glad I found.

John Forrister

GTD Connect
Staff member
Hi Oogie, dunno if this will help, but I would ask myself why I consider the stuff to be backlog. Is there a decision I still need to make? Or has the decision already been made and the stuff is all stored where it should be. Sometimes if a storage container (whether it's a small box or a garage) gets full and that prompts me to decide again whether to keep stuff.

One thing you said particularly caught my attention.
Oogiem said:
I get a deer in headlights look when I even contemplate trying to go through all of that . . . .

Maybe part of the answer is you're telling yourself you have to go through all of it, rather than go through one box, or spend only 15 minutes.


GTD Connect
Oogie,- I soooooo hear you! :) What I did in this situation is I just made everything a someday maybe and then I decided to work on one area. For example, right now I am working on photos and everything else is a someday maybe. I didn't have the need to itemize each someday maybe as my backlog is in 2 rooms, attic and basement. Hope that helps! Meg


megedwards said:
What I did in this situation is I just made everything a someday maybe and then I decided to work on one area. For example, right now I am working on photos and everything else is a someday maybe. I didn't have the need to itemize each someday maybe as my backlog is in 2 rooms, attic and basement. Hope that helps!

I love Someday/Maybe. I am working on my photos too but this Project bounces between Someday/Maybe and Active.


I bought a bunch of small banker's boxes. I'm going to corral some things, label it as backlog, and work through it. I seem to go through this every time I buy a new laptop.


Kelly | GTD expert
I ended up going through my big health insurance file after all. What I thought was a big purge project turned out to be making a conscious decision to keep a whole bunch of it for backup and shredding just a few things. Progress!


I have the same problem in my office - I have a pretty big closet and quite a few boxes. Problem I have is that all my "go through and purge or scan" stuff is mixed with other stuff. I'm pretty sure that if I could group everything together (sounds easy but pretty big project logistically, this is large walk in closet.) On the other hand, I have the same issue with ongoing stuff sometimes. Not all action support is paper and mine doesn't all fit in an inbox. Love to hear what other people are doing.