Physical General Reference Filing


Hello everyone! I'm about to buy my first physical filing basket and have some questions.

In the book I recall it saying to have a index A-Z, which I really like and use on my computer. But how does this work with physical content? How does subfolders work?

I have found a good basket and some folders on amazon but i don't see where sub folders fits in.



What system do you use? And what advice do you have? Cheers!


I don't use subfolders except in very rare instances on my computer so for me the physical cabinet is just the same. A file drawer (or in my case 16 file drawers in 5 file cabinets) with one layer of manila folders in it labeled with the contents and files A-Z.

I do have 2 sets of folders that are separate, 1 for each of the 2 organizations that I am an officer of. The folders and data in them go with the position so I keep them separate so that I can turn them over to someone else when my time is over.

I also have 1 set of genealogical folders that is separate that follows a similar A-Z organization but is organized by surname with additional folders for each major class of document or data for that name. So there are folders with labels like Thompson-Birth Certificates and Thompson-Military Service Records


testie said:
I have found a good basket and some folders on amazon but i don't see where sub folders fits in.
What system do you use? And what advice do you have? Cheers!

Use Folder-Topic naming convention to group items. For example "Banking-Citi", "Banking-HSBC", "Home-SF", "Home-Aspen" etc.