Project vs someday maybe


so I want to build some hanging storage in my garage. It’s not high priority I don’t know when I will get around to it but at some point I will build and install them.
Since it’s vague does it go in someday maybe or projects and when is it listed as measure garage space for storage, which is the next action. Are gtd lists ordered in priority? Or is that extra work


Here’s a simple rule: If you intend to start work on the project within the next week, it goes on the project list. One or more next actions should be added to appropriate lists. If you are not starting it within that time frame, it’s someday/maybe. “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” - Yoda.


so I want to build some hanging storage in my garage. It’s not high priority I don’t know when I will get around to it but at some point I will build and install them.
Since it’s vague does it go in someday maybe or projects and when is it listed as measure garage space for storage, which is the next action. Are gtd lists ordered in priority? Or is that extra work
No I don't use priority in my lists at all in terms of having them ordered in some priority. I use only when deciding on the thing I will work on next as I look at my lists of next actions.

For me for that project it would be in someday/maybe because I know that we are heading into the last of the summer quarter and I don't have time to do any building projects like that. I might add to it that I need to clear the space and measure as support materials. The way I handle my Someday/Maybe is that I have a not in DEVONThink "Main House Projects to Do" and in that would be the line "Hanging Storage in Garage" and maybe under that a link to a few places I've seen or a reference to a picture of what I want etc.

I swap out projects quarterly on the solstices and eqinoxes. So if I can't get any action done on that project in the current quarter it would be parked in someday/maybe. A lot of my projects have individual action items that can only be done in a specific season and in some cases there are actions that need to be done in different seasons or so man that the project itself carries over forseveral years. That is unusual for GTD. What I do now to keep the current projects to a reasonable number is to put the on-hold projects backinto my someday/maybe system until my next big quarterly review.


No I don't use priority in my lists at all in terms of having them ordered in some priority. I use only when deciding on the thing I will work on next as I look at my lists of next actions.

For me for that project it would be in someday/maybe because I know that we are heading into the last of the summer quarter and I don't have time to do any building projects like that. I might add to it that I need to clear the space and measure as support materials. The way I handle my Someday/Maybe is that I have a not in DEVONThink "Main House Projects to Do" and in that would be the line "Hanging Storage in Garage" and maybe under that a link to a few places I've seen or a reference to a picture of what I want etc.

I swap out projects quarterly on the solstices and eqinoxes. So if I can't get any action done on that project in the current quarter it would be parked in someday/maybe. A lot of my projects have individual action items that can only be done in a specific season and in some cases there are actions that need to be done in different seasons or so man that the project itself carries over forseveral years. That is unusual for GTD. What I do now to keep the current projects to a reasonable number is to put the on-hold projects backinto my someday/maybe system until my next big quarterly review.


I like the concept of quarterly review. since I have never fully implemented GTD it seems as you write that GTD helps with vision I’m so occupied with crap in front of me I can’t forecast down the road. I deal with things as they are on top of me. Too late to be truly effective. Thanks oogiem I’m having a breakthrough!


I like the concept of quarterly review. since I have never fully implemented GTD it seems as you write that GTD helps with vision I’m so occupied with crap in front of me I can’t forecast down the road.

As a farmer much of what I do revolves around the seasons so it's logical to review those things on a quarterly basis. I also do an even more indepth end of year review that startsabout mid December that I hope to have finished by mid January. Spreading the year end tasks out that long means I am not burned out and can really give everything deep thought. I try to do a lot of mind sweep, collection and cleaning out of old files during the first part. Processing and reviewing what I've gathered next. Scanning, shredding old files, getting tax papers ready and other clean up tasks near the end. Then a final once over where I go over my yearly plan as well as reviewing the 3-5 yr,10-15 yr and lifetime plans and all the higher levels.

Now changes happen, and the plan never survives first contact with the sheep or reality, but I have a framework of important work I want to move forward every year that is split into quarterly chunks.

The thing is I've been working in the GTD ecosystem learning and growing in my practice for 10 years. I have a long way to go but I like the path and am enjoying the trip.