Question on NoteTaker Wallet



Hello everyone. Can someone describe in as much detail as possible the design of the NoteTaker Wallet? The picture in the online store is not good since you can't see any details, and the description doesn't provide any details as to number of credit card slots, drivers license slot, money slot, and any other details that may be important.

Thanks a ton for any help!



I just received my note-taker wallet this Monday. The size fits easily in a man's shirt pocket. Inside on the LHS, there are two pockets, each suitable for business cards or one or two credit cards. The pockets slits have a gentle curve which makes it easier to get things in and out. Pad of paper on the RHS. No cover page on the pads, you can just start writing. There is a fully lined space underneath each side where you can stash extra cards, accessable from the center fold. The Rotring pen sits in a pocket in the center fold. When pulled, the pen expands and reveals the ball point. Pretty simple, really. It will not replace my main wallet, but I will keep business cards in there. I like it a lot. It's not something you absolutely have to have to get things done. My wife uses $0.75 notebooks from Office Depot she keeps in her purse. But if you need something of this type, it is the best design I have found. I was using a similar wallet from Retro 51, which I carried everywhere, but it was less functional. Levenger has a little note-taking thing about the same size, too, but the pen sits in an outside loop that keeps it closed. You can find note doodads in many other places, but a tool like this is useless unless you can get refills on the pads and anything else you need. The service from Davidco was prompt and impeccable, by the way.


Thanks for the detailed reply. It's extremely helpful. Much appreciated!!



What is this executive assistant made of?

mcogilvie said:
NoteTaker Wallet+ comes with an executive assistant to take the notes for you, but is much more expensive. :)
Is this executive assistant made of the finest matte finish leather too?


TesTeq said:
Is this executive assistant made of the finest matte finish leather too?
Finest organic molecules, comes in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Test for compatibility before using. (Sounds like shampoo, doesn't it :) )


I would unhesitatingly order it

I've been aware of the davidco notetaker wallet for at least a couple or few years but ordered one only several months ago after reading two posts. The first by Jason Womack in response to a question regarding what the wallet will hold. Like the circus car that carries a seemingly endless line of clowns, Jason had an impressive number of credit cards, membership cards, discount cards and a $100 bill in his wallet, in addition to the notepad and pen. The second post was by March Ochant, who pointed out that over the then four years he had is wallet, the cost amortized to only several cents per day. Was it worth a few or several cents per day to have the utility of the wallet? The answer seemed an obvious yes, and I placed my order.

But instead of the notetaker wallet, I got an e-mail from Davidco informing me that they no longer had them in stock, were looking for a new supplier, and didn't know when they would be available again.

Some while later, I came across another wallet that seems to be nearly identical in size, with notepads and a slot for a pen. I bought it, and a couple of Zebra retractable pens, and after using it for a few months I can confirm that the concept works. The wallet fits easily and inconspicuously in a back jeans pocket, a shirt pocket, a t-shirt pocket, or in a boot top. I would unhesitatingly buy the official Davidco wallet (after all, it works out to only a few cents a day) and since I suspect that my brand X wallet won't hold up as well as the official Davidco one (and I like the configuration of the Davidco one better) I'll probably order one myself one day.

Jason Womack

The "new" note-taker wallets!

I had actually looked up Jason's post re the contents of his Notetaker wallet when Chip first asked about the Notetaker wallet, but got sidetracked by a visitor to my office and never got around to posting. Here's the link:

Hey there,

Just surfing around, and wanted to share that the wallets are now re-stocked and ready to go! I'm still using my daily, and wonder if people are getting as much value as they thought they'd get when they ordered...


I bought my wallet in May and am really enjoying it. It is high quality, perfect as a ubiaquitous capturing tool, and always with me to capture whatever it is that requires action or attention. If I lost it tomorrow, I'd order a new one immediately!


I'm still on the fence on this purchase and hope more people chime in! Right now I am using some Post It notes that are pretty sturdy, I think it is a new product from them, and an expandable pen that I picked up at an office store, it was $6 for two pens and two refills, plus the paper, I'm out maybe $8. So far it is working okay, but I must admit, being separate from my wallet, I don't always have it on me, and still am considering the official wallet. $100 is a lot of money if I don't like it though....


I've had mine for about a month now and use the note-taking feature several times a day. No it isn't cheap in terms of dollar outlay, but it is in terms of value obtained.

mike said:
I'm still on the fence on this purchase and hope more people chime in! Right now I am using some Post It notes that are pretty sturdy, I think it is a new product from them, and an expandable pen that I picked up at an office store, it was $6 for two pens and two refills, plus the paper, I'm out maybe $8. So far it is working okay, but I must admit, being separate from my wallet, I don't always have it on me, and still am considering the official wallet. $100 is a lot of money if I don't like it though....


I've always said that the Notetaker Wallet is excellent value for money, with what you DO actually get. I've had mine for almost a year now, and it's still in excellent condition, even though I really put it through its paces every single day.

I have 4 cards in mine, with cash in the left inside pocket, and stamps, and family pictures in the other pocket behind the notepad. The only thing I've modified is to replace the collapsable pen that David supplies with a small space pen. The main reason for doing this was because I like that the space pen can write at any angles, and also the collapsable pen didn't collapse well enough to completely hide the nib, therefore, it was starting to damage the leather at the bottom of the wallet.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the additional information! I am really tempted to pull the trigger on this one. I currently use a money clip that holds a few cards and really like how small it is. It sounds like the notetaker wallet is still small, and will fit in the front pocket which I like. I just have to get over the sticker shock. I really wish I had looked at it closer at the Roadmap. Since that session, I have taken GTD to another level, and I think I would have bought it on the spot. At the time, it was $100 I didn't want to spend, but now that I am implementing GTD much more, I see the value in it. Live and learn I guess...


Try Levenger SwiftNotes Instead?

For a lot less money, this seems to be pretty close.|PageID=2287|Level=2-3-4




That does look very close, I may check into that one...does anyone else have this version??


FC index card "task wallet"

mike said:
So far it is working okay, but I must admit, being separate from my wallet, I don't always have it on me, and still am considering the official wallet.
I'm using a FranklinCovey-branded product I picked up at my local Office Depot. See for some more info.

I used to keep index cards in a shirt pocket, but putting the bote-taking function together with my wallet is pretty magical -- no more having to remember to bring anything along!


I am still on my first jotter wallet

Here is a high quality leather wallet with more capacity than Davidco notepad, and is over 70 dollars less expensive.

I have had this wallet for over three years and it is still in great shape!

In it, I usually keep 7 credit and ID cards, about 10 business cards, a Montblanc Mozart pen, an SD card, and 15 to 20 bills of money (go into slot on outside). In addition, there is still an extra slot under the credit card flap that I can keep 10 or 15 previously written notes, which I sometimes carry around prior to incorporating them into my GTD system.

With all that, it still seems smaller than most other people's wallets. Its small enough for me to keep it in my front pocket without any difficulty.

Oh yeah, and it takes davidco notepad refills too. If this jotter wallet ever does wear out I am getting another one for sure.


I'm on my second NoteTaker wallet

FWIW, I bought a new NoteTaker at the Santa Monica seminar I attended earlier this year to replace the original I bought five years ago whihc was getting a little worn around the edges. I thought I might retire the old one to my junk drawer (I have a dedicated drawer for stuff I no longer really need but can't bear to throw away) but my wife asked if she could have my old one for those times when she doesn't want to carry a purse (hiking, concerts, etc.). She loves it!

I've been very pleased with the durability and utility of the Wallet - now in my sixth year of using it. :grin: