repeating tasks/Palm

Jamie Elis

Anyone have a suggestion regarding software for creating a list then checking off daily, monthly, seasonal tasks on Palm handheld? I looked at Sciral Consistency but it is not for the Palm. I think a suggestion was once made on this forum but I can't find it. I would also like to put things like my strength training exercises into something like this.


Repeating Tasks

Many add-on/replacement programs support repeating tasks (Agendus, DateBk, KeySuite, etc). If you're using vanilla Palm Task application, suggest you search Palmgear for a program called ReDo. It can support virtually any type of repeating task (at least as I remember from a couple of years ago)




Datebk5 - Check off from last time...

I use a simple trick in DateBk to accomplish do what you want...

I set up a floating task & then set it to repeat every x days, AND to recount from the last checkoff. That way the tasks don't pile up if you missed one or more! I'm not familiar with Agendus, etc, but you might want to look for a similar approach in whatever Palm app you're currently using.

The other trick to keep from being overwhelmed if you have MANY such tasks, is to assign all such tasks to a specific category ("dailystuff", whatever), and then hide that category. I avoid doing this because the whole point is to SEE the tasks to remind ourselves, right?


The two best programs for this that I know of are BlueMoon (old but still available, I believe, from Palmgear), which is a marvelous reminder/record-keeping program, and To Do Plus ( which enables you to set all kinds of repeats to the Palm To-Dos. They both cost money but are worth it. ReDo is also possible; I haven't used it since I discovered ToDo Plus. And Datebk 5 will let you set up repeating To-Dos.


Jamie Elis said:
Anyone have a suggestion regarding software for creating a list then checking off daily, monthly, seasonal tasks on Palm handheld? I looked at Sciral Consistency but it is not for the Palm. I think a suggestion was once made on this forum but I can't find it. I would also like to put things like my strength training exercises into something like this.

If you just want a reusable checklist and don't care about keeping a history, then HandyShopper might work for you. Items on the list can be filtered by "store" and category. I use it for packing lists for trips.


The best task management software for the Palm, by far, is called LifeBalance. It's a little expensive, but definitely worthwhile.

There's a Windows/Mac version, and a Palm version, which sync together for easy data entry. The key features:

Display your tasks by customizable contexts. IE, at home you select an @ Home context and it will show you only the tasks you can do at home. You can choose to include other places in the context (ie: show @ Computer tasks when viewing the @ Home location)

Set tasks to automatically repeat a certain number of days after they have been completed (rather than scheduled). ie:, "Get Haircut" in @ Errands on a 14 day repeat.

Set lead times on your repeating or scheduled tasks so that they only show up a customizable length of time before they are due (so you don't have next week's haircut on your to-do list today)

Set up repeating tasks by day, week, month, or date. Ie: "Pay cellular bill" in @ Online every month on the 17th, or "Wash car" in @ Errands every third Saturday.

Task hierarchy, so that you can set some tasks to not show up until others have first been completed. (ie: Require "Confirm trip date with Tim" in @ Calls to be completed before "Research plane ticket prices" in @ Online will show up)​

This is very powerful software, I love it. Sorry if this seemed like an ad, I'm not affiliated.


Another vote for the program called "ReDo" if you want to add repeating to the Palm ToDo application.

However, the current Palm OS version 5 reimplements the ToDo application (renaming it to "Tasks") with full repeating functionality, either on a fixed schedule or based on an increment from when it was last checked off. It also offers alarms for tasks.

If an upgrade to your hardware or OS is in the near future, just let that solve your problem.


Jamie Elis said:
Anyone have a suggestion regarding software for creating a list then checking off daily, monthly, seasonal tasks on Palm handheld? I looked at Sciral Consistency but it is not for the Palm. I think a suggestion was once made on this forum but I can't find it. I would also like to put things like my strength training exercises into something like this.
What about simply putting these actions as recurring items on your calendar, then deleting the Current entries once they're done? When you delete calendar entries, you're given options for deleting Current, Future, and All occurences.


Maybe I'm missing something...

Maybe I'm missing something here, but the standard "Tasks" application that comes with your Palm does a reasonable job with repeating tasks. You can set up tasks to have a due date, and to repeat daily, weekly, monthly, etc. When you check off the task, the due date gets re-set to the interval you specified. Using the example above, if you have a task called "Haircut" set to a two week repeat interval, if you check it off, the due date gets set to two weeks from today.

That said: I'm a LifeBalance user too.


I have Palm OS 5 and don't see a repeat option for tasks; it must be in OS 5.2 and later.

I use Bonsai from Natara. You can set up and categorize checklists and link list items to tasks within Bonsai.

You end up with normal tasks to check off. When you reset the list in Bonsai, all the linked tasks are recreated in your Palm to do list.


I have Palm OS 5.2.1, but I think this is the case for all OS 5 devices (I could be wrong here). If your ToDo application is not called ToDo, but instead it is called Tasks, this should be true for you. Repeating tasks can be created as follows:

Open the Tasks application.
Select a task by tapping on it.
Tap the "Details" button.
Set a due date if one is not already set (mandatory).
Tap the down arrow next to "Repeat:"
Select the desired interval.

Be sure to explore the "Other..." interval for advanced options.


I have Palm 3.5, and I have repeating todos. I use Agendus (also an older version.) The app is the deciding factor if you create todos on the desktop.