Scanning to make continuous documents


Hi all. I want to get rid of some of my papers, by scanning them and putting them on OneNote. I have some pages that are part of a set of continuous notes, and I already have single page photos from books and references that I want to keep. My issue is the same for both. How can I scan , or take photos of notes, or pages in a book, then join them to make continuous documents that I can them save in my reference section in OneNote? Hope that makes sense.Many thanks
Hello! I have a scanner app on my phone that I use to scan old notebooks, notes and even whole books.

If you use the option to save the scans in PDF, then the app will create one file with all the pages of the item you are scanning. It does not work if you are scanning in .png or .jpg (like Evernote and OneNote do natively).

I use Scanbot: you choose the multipage option and all I have to do is turn the pages, the app recognizes the boundaries and shoot the picture of the pages.
Thanks Ariadne - I will check that out. What about existing images I have that together would form one continuous document. Is there any way of joining them together?
How can I scan , or take photos of notes, or pages in a book, then join them to make continuous documents that I can them save in my reference section in OneNote?
I always scan stuff to PDF. If the device or app won't do a multipage PDF (most of mine will) you can always combine them later using Acrobat or other PDF editing tools.
I photographed a number of paqes of a training manual using my iPad. So they are all individual pages/images in my photo libaray. Now I want to join those pages together to save as one document on OneNote.
I always scan stuff to PDF. If the device or app won't do a multipage PDF (most of mine will) you can always combine them later using Acrobat or other PDF editing tools.
Several days ago Apple showed me (in the "App of the Day" section of the App Store) an app that creates long pages by vertically stitching several photos. But unfortunately I can't find this app now. @jimmyleo
I photographed a number of paqes of a training manual using my iPad. So they are all individual pages/images in my photo libaray. Now I want to join those pages together to save as one document on OneNote.
Brute force method, print to PDF the individual image files and then combine them using a PDF combining too like Acrobat.
The notes app on iPhones and iPads will do a decent job on this, but there are many apps on many platforms that will do the job ok. My multifunction printer will do it too.
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Brute force method, print to PDF the individual image files and then combine them using a PDF combining too like Acrobat.
Oogie - As you're a DEVONthink user, you can use DEVONthink to combine individual PDFs into a single document by selecting them, right-clicking and selecting Merge N documents.

Everyone else - don't buy DEVONthink just for that. But if you're a Apple user, you can combine separate PDFs using Preview.
Oogie - As you're a DEVONthink user, you can use DEVONthink to combine individual PDFs into a single document by selecting them, right-clicking and selecting Merge N documents.
Thanks for the reminder. I had forgotten about that feature, will ahve totry it myself next time I have to do that.
Hi there! Scanning documents and joining them together to create a continuous document in OneNote is definitely doable. First, you can scan each page or take photos of them individually. Then, you can use a PDF editor like Adobe Acrobat or a free alternative like PDFsam to merge the pages into a single document.Also, you can try using Smart Engines OCR SDK tools. I've recently tried them, and they are a game changer when it comes to scanning.Another option is to use the built-in scanning feature in OneNote to capture each page and then use the "Insert Space" function to join the pages together. I hope this helps!
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Hi all. I want to get rid of some of my papers, by scanning them and putting them on OneNote. I have some pages that are part of a set of continuous notes, and I already have single page photos from books and references that I want to keep. My issue is the same for both. How can I scan , or take photos of notes, or pages in a book, then join them to make continuous documents that I can them save in my reference section in OneNote? Hope that makes sense.Many thanks
Here are some steps you can follow to join scanned pages or photos into a continuous document:

Scan your pages or take photos of them using a scanner or your smartphone. Make sure you capture each page in the correct order.

Open a document editing program such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

Create a new document and save it.

Insert the scanned pages or photos into the document, placing them in the correct order.

Use the editing tools to adjust the orientation, size, and positioning of the images to create a seamless document.

Once you are satisfied with the layout, save the document.

Open OneNote and create a new page in your reference section.

Insert the document you created into the page by selecting "Insert" from the menu and choosing "File Printout."

Browse to the location where you saved the document and select it.

OneNote will insert the document into the page, and you can now view it and make notes as needed.