Things Vs. Nozbe vs. Wunderlist for Mac


I'm just getting started with GTD and am looking for a good software solution for the Mac. I'm a tech guy and spend a lot of time on the computer and ios devices, so I need something that will allow me to sync the iphone and mac version easily. I see that Things finally set up a beta that will allow syncing, but I also have friends who really like Nozbe and also like Wunderlist.

I don't know enough about the 3 to know what the key differences are. I work from home and so I don't really need to share things witha "team." I really just need something that will allow me to enter in tasks and projects and action steps, and maybe even the info that goes along with that project. For instance if I'm working on a website it would be nice to able to add screen shots and what not into the task so when I open it up there is the info. This isn't a must have feature, but if one of these allows you to do that, that would be nice.



As far as I know, none of the three will allow you to attach an image, although Things will let you link to it on a mac. Omnifocus will let you do that, with a little effort. Both it and Things are pricey options, so try as much as possible before you buy. I have used the Things beta pretty extensively, and it seems solid. I may or may not stick with it over Omnifocus and Toodledo (which I recommend as a good, inexpensive way to get started).

I have only used Wunderlist for lists such as packing or gift lifts shared with my spousal unit, nothing critical.

I don't care for Nozbe, which seems clumsy and not a good value.

Good luck!


mcogilvie;97554 said:
The Mac software Michael Hyatt touts is in beta.

The Mac app came out of beta a few days. It's got a bit to go but it's a good start.

If you're looking or image attachment Evernote does a great job of web clipping and you've also got the option of linking notes in Evernote to projects in Nozbe.

Wunderlist is a great multi-platform app. I use it at the mo for work as a kind of personal kanban. Not sure I could adopt it as my GTD system yet, as I would like something like tags for contexts.


How about Appigo?

Appigo's 'Todo' has versions for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Online. There are a number of syncing options available (cloud, wireless LAN, etc).

Todo doesn't handle attachments but not many productivity apps in this space can do that. Toodledo can do attachments online but not on their iOS version.