I've just started using Bonsai, and would appreciate hearing from other users how they've set it up. I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible.
1. I've got 2 projects, Active and Someday.
2. Level 1 of all of those projects are Projects (a category). Projects have, within their own outlines, Deliverables (a category), Someday or Deferred actions (With dates), or any of the "@" context items. Those next actions I can't do yet have no category.
3. I have filters for all of the categories, due today, etc. That's why I have everything in one big project.
1. I've got 2 projects, Active and Someday.
2. Level 1 of all of those projects are Projects (a category). Projects have, within their own outlines, Deliverables (a category), Someday or Deferred actions (With dates), or any of the "@" context items. Those next actions I can't do yet have no category.
3. I have filters for all of the categories, due today, etc. That's why I have everything in one big project.