What About Gifts !!?? It's Christmas, People!!!



Beautiful African themed tabletop products and gifts. I have been very happy with the gifts I have bought for family and friends – a wonderful Christmas gift idea, at least for me, what i liked is the fact that i could bought them online.

Jamie Elis

At total loss of ideas

Both pre-teens want ipods but they have not really used their small mp-3 players to capacity yet and the ipods are out of my price range. I have been reading about electronic drawing tablets that let you input and manipulate your drawings and I think that one of these has far more value than an IPOD. To the extent that I can afford it, I would like to give them fun things that bring them along into using technology. So far they each are getting a package of very fine gel pens, candy, and little odds and ends, and probably a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble.