What do you use as a tickler file? And what happened to DavidCo selling that?


I have heard about people using index cards for ticklers but what gear do you use to carry them in? Or just leave a stack on your desk?

I remember DavidCo Store selling that and I was hoping to finally buy that but alas it is not available anymore - so any alternate suggestions?

Dave Edwards

Sorry but I've never heard of using index cards as a tickler file, but I'm sure you could make it work. Loose cards don't seem to provide enough framework for me.

I have a digital tickler. I use Nirvana HQ. It not only allows me to set a date due, but then will email me with a reminder. And, if I fail to complete the item on that date, the email reminder is sent everyday. It's hard to ignore.

Good luck.


John Forrister

GTD Connect
Staff member
Hi Ileo, we used to sell a set of sturdy plastic folders, labeled as a tickler file, in the David Allen Company store. However, we found that more people were switching to a digital system, or simply chose to create their own tickler file with blank folders and a labeler.


Dave and John,

Thank you so much for your feedback :)
I am trying out nirvana hq and will start to integrate digitally a bit more.



DaveInMilwaukee said:
Sorry but I've never heard of using index cards as a tickler file, but I'm sure you could make it work. Loose cards don't seem to provide enough framework for me.
The venerable Sidetracked Home Executives system was initially set up as a card file box just like a tickler with a section for each day and one for each month. Their had all chores and repeating tasks in it and also notes and other tickler things as well. I used it a bit before GTD. The advantage of cards is that with a card for each task you could carry them around as you did them. You could also put the date the task was completed right on the card, helpful for those of us who often forgot when they last had the septic tank pumped or other infrequent housecleaning item. Since then I've struggled with creating as simple a system within my GTD framework as the GTD system works so much better for more ordinary tasks. When I tried to run both systems (SHE for the household/repeating stuff and Palm later LifeBalance later Omnifocus for other tasks) I would ignore one or the other. I only function well when everything is in a single place. So I am shoehorning that sort of item into my Omnifocus system.

I am still thinking of trying to create a tickler folder in DEVONThink, and adding some scripting to automatically send each day's tickler items to me in my OF inbox but haven't gotten past the brainstorm phase of thinking how I want it to work. Not even sure if it's really possible but I think it would be.

Karl Ivar

GTD Connect
Currently, as a digital ticklar file, I just use the inbox in Omnifocus, and set the defer-date to the wished date for the item to occur. When I process my inbox, I set the viewing-option to "available". In this way, my inbox will also serve as my ticklar file folder, and I do not need to bother about going through my ticklar files- just snacking of my omnifocus inbox. I´ve been using this as an experiment for a few months, and it´s been working really well for me.

Mark Jantzen

I've got a pretty good GTD system but have never found a tickler system that stuck for me. My primary tool is OmniFocus so I use the Defer function a lot. I sometimes use the Calendar as a trigger to point me toward an email or piece of data. There are lots of good options mentioned above. Another tool is the Reminders function in Evernote which allows you to put notes, PDFs, etc. back in your face at future dates.


I have a paper tickler at home - just a 43 folder set up. I think there is a white paper on this on Connect somewhere. At work, it's all about Outlook. I set up one-time and recurring events on my calendar as needed, on the actual due date, then set the reminder depending on how much lead time I need. I apply a category that I labeled "Tickler" and colored bright yellow, so my "tickles" show up on my calendar like highlighted notes. I can attach electronic support to the actual calendar event, and when I have paper backup, I put it in one folder called "Calendar Support" that I keep with "Action Support" and "Waiting For" folders. I've done this for years and it hasn't failed me yet!