What kinds of recurring lists do you keep?


I was curious about the types of recurring lists (Areas of Focus) types that other GTD users may be keeping. Other than the Projects, NA types of lists I also have in my Palm TX: Groceries to buy, Bills to pay, Motorcycle maintenance, Bicycle maintenance, Daily work tasks, Home cleaning, Vehicle maintenance, Lawn/Garden tools maintenance.



I created quite a few for varying recurring work processes. Personally, I have lists for health to make sure I take my vitamins and drink enough etc. (the etc. is exercise :neutral:). For home maintenance I don't have any recurring lists; the regular tasks are just added to the bottom of my home cleaning list. For bills I put each into the tickler file. Regular vehicle and tool maintenance is sadly severely lacking on my end, since I'm very spur-of-the-moment with those.


I have a morning routine at home (e.g., check tickler, and do Tai Chi), a morning routine in the office, an afternoon routine in the office (e.g., fill out timecard), and an evening routine at home. They're just reminders of little things that I want to do every day.


I have a weekend chores list - all the things that need to get done like washing clothes, mowing the lawn, feeding the plants, doing the mending. There's about 12 regular items.
