What universal capture tool(s) do you use?


I still trying to find any universal capture tool that I can carry with me always. The biggest trouble is at home when I sometimes don't have any pockets to put it. I need to research your ideas to get it running. What capture tool(s) you use?


Home is the easiest for me. I have scratchpads all over the place and just scribble on them as needed.

Away from home, I usually have pen and paper of some kind. If I don't, I can use the voice recorder and/or camera features of my cell phone.



I try to at least keep a pen on me or nearby. There is usually paper to be found or I sometimes put a few blank index cards into my pocket if I think paper will be scarce. This is less bulky than a note pad.

If you don't even have pockets, then the cell phone as mentioned above is a possibility clipped to a waistband (I assume you are not a nudist). It can be used to leave yourself a voice mail message if there is no voice recording feature.

Borisoff;50057 said:
I still trying to find any universal capture tool that I can carry with me always. The biggest trouble is at home when I sometimes don't have any pockets to put it. I need to research your ideas to get it running. What capture tool(s) you use?

I'm using a PocketMod (http://www.pocketmod.com/) printout as my "satellite" system. A tiny booklet, but it offers 8 pages. You can design your own version online and have it printed (to Letter or A4 format) from your browser; cut two lines, fold it, ready. My preferred design includes 1 workweek calendar and several lists.



I have been using a simple "memo" notepad that I carry in my back pocket at all times. I have a small pen that fits in the coil of that pad.

But I also have a blackberry which I don't really use as a capturing device. However, I have recently discovered www.jott.com which allows me to use my bb phone as a voice memo which is sent to my email (or anyone else's email). I haven't used it much so I'm not sure where I'll go with it --- but it could come in very handy for when I'm driving (which I do a lot of).

But my memo notepad has certaintly been great for me. Like you, I usually don't wear pockets around the house. But I do now --- cause I want that pad with me everywhere. It is worth it.




I always keep some 3 inch square sticky notes in my wallet along with a tiny "wallet pen" (Google it).


The wallet! The wallet!

I'm still crazy about my official David Allen NoteTaker Wallet. I've been carrying it for at least a year.

(Minor blasphemy: I take more than one note per page. I cross them out as I process them. Hey, it saves on paper.)

My favourite non-ubiquitous tool is the waterproof pad and Fisher Space Pen I've stashed in the bathroom for when inspiration strikes me in the shower.


Depending on my "mood" I'll use:

  • a notepad in my pocket (with little golf-pencil in the binding)
  • my Treo 650 (it's got Palm Software)
  • a digital recorder for when I'm driving and can't write things down.

I've also got notepads by the phones/refridgerator (at home) and on my desk (at work).

With all this ammunition I can just sit back and *dare* an idea to escape! :)


My home's fairly small - when I suddenly remember something I'm supposed to be doing later, I'll walk to the kitchen and write a note to myself on the notepad.

Once I've transferred those notes to the GTD inbox, I cross them off the notepad. Then I grab a drink from the fridge and head back to whatever I was doing!


I have to say that I have two different UCT to choose from.

The first one is the already mentioned PocketMod. But I often just use a piece of paper fold like the PocketMod without pre-printed forms. The one thing I like about the PocketMod is that is is only a piece of paper (cheap, you can get it everywhere) and if you need more space to write on you can unfold it write on the back and fold it again.

The second tool I use is a small indexcard-sized notebook with squared paper. It is a little bit thicker than the PocketMod but has the advantage that you can tear-off the pages and either throw them in your in-basket for processing or if they contain information for others give them away.

The only problem I have is the right pen. I currently use a Pilot G2 mini
which is ok but not the ultimative "pocket pen".
I would like to hear from all of you which pens you are using...

In my opinion the best UCT is paper-based because it is so much easier to handle than any other media.


I just continued to read my GTD-related blogs an woops there it is, a post about the readers favorite UCT. I think you are not the only one seeking for the best UCT :)


I've experienced a wonderfully clutter-free life since I started using my pda/phone. It takes a second or two longer to type a note into my Tasks, but I find it much cleaner than the pockets full of paper notes I used to carry. The Tasks sync with Outlook and I review and assign categories from there. Or if the category is obvious I add it directly to the list. Got a Blackberry arriving y, so we'll see how efficient it is.


Borisoff;50057 said:
What capture tool(s) you use?


I'm new here.

At my computer I use 2 programmes: MindManager 7.0 with GyroQ and OneNote 2007. At the end of the day I review any captured information and process it. I send NA tasks to Outlook.

On the run, I use a PocketPC (it's also my phone) and I capture everything with OneNote Mobile. It's very handy. It lets me capture images, text or voice recordings. These are very useful for me (it's the quickest way to register something before I forget it). OneNote Mobile syncs perfectly with my laptop.

Cristina in Lisboa, Portugal