What's your work costume?


As David says there's a "costume" trick that we use to get into the mood of doing something. Would you like to share here your "costumes" for jumping into the work?


For consulting it's my business clothing (very different from my previous job - programmer duds). I think of it as my superhero costume, and it changes how I think about myself, and how others do as well. Very cool.


Shirt and tie and somewhat dressy pants and District name badge. And it's true... I feel more professional as soon as I've got that tie and badge on. The badge says "I worked my way up and I know what I'm talking about."

I visit and help tech specialists at schools, and mostly they don't wear ties. So I want to dress better than the people I'm helping. It would not inspire confidence if I showed up to help them in a t-shirt and shorts.