Where are the RSS feeds now? Also, can't post from Google Chrome

John Forrister

GTD Connect
Staff member
mk3013 said:
Since the website was revamped http://feeds.feedburner.com/GtdTimes doesn't seem to work anymore. Please advise. Also, I had to switch to IE to post this - in Chrome this space did not say "type something here" and I couldn't type "here." Thanks,

Hi, we've found that a forced refresh of the page is helpful. Not just a refresh/reload, but a force to have the browser download all the page elements anew. In Chrome on Mac that's command-shift-R.

We're still working on the forums so the forced refresh won't be necessary. In fact, one of our developers has been working on that since your post 4 hours ago, so you may find it working better already.

Here's a link to more info on how to force refresh on several browsers in Windows and Mac.


Since the URL has changed from http://www.gtdtimes.com to http://gettingthingsdone.com/gtd-times/ you may need to update your Feedburner setting to something more like this: http://feeds.feedburner.com/gettingthingsdone/rWtV