Where Do You Keep Your Someday Maybe Items?



Just wondering where you all keep your Someday Maybe items?

As individual task items in Outlook, set with a category of Someday Maybe?

As a list in a Word document?

A list in an Excel spreadsheet?

I’m using a combination of a “Someday Maybe.doc” Word document on my memory stick and individual task items in Outlook.

I’ve a shortcut to the Word document on my Outlook bar and if the Word doc is available (i.e. my memory stick is already plugged in) they go straight in there, if it’s not, rather than interrupt any flow by having to get the memory stick out of my phone, plug it into the PC and load up the Word doc, they simply and quickly go in as individual Tasks into the [Someday Maybe] category.

Later, when reviewing actions etc, they’re copied into the Word document and removed from the Task list. A few remain in the list though – ones that I intend to do something about within say a month.

(Most of my files are stored on my memory stick, which goes in my Windows Mobile Pocket PC when I’m away from the PC. This way I can access the files either at my PC or from my Pocket PC too.)

Just curious to what others do!

Thanks for your time, most appreciated,

Andy D.


I use Outlook and have subfolders in my Tasks folder called Sometime/Maybe Actions and Sometime/Maybe Projects. This means moving to and from the main Task folder is just a case of drag and drop, rather than having to change categories.


I'm a real lover of gadgets and try to use my Mac for everything I can, but I have found that for managing my GTD lists, I can't go past paper. I use a Moleskine for my NA's, Projects, Someday/Maybe lists. They are all in the same place for easy reference and review everywhere I go.

I read on another thread that getting started with GTD was about coming to grips with the process not necessarily the collection tools as these can be tweaked as you become more practiced with GTD. Hence the paper based system. Maybe not for everyone but works for me.



Someday-Maybes - Go in the Tickler Files

For my someday-maybe projects, I either write or make a hard copy of my ideas created in Word, OneNote, or MindManager. I don't keep a someday maybe list, but just dedicate one project or idea per page. I used to organize the Someday-Maybe File plus the Horizon's of Focus files for each altitude, but I realized that my ideas were so overwhelming if I looked at them all at once. So I finally dumped the files and lists, which started to scare me and look like too much work.

Now I use my tickler file to help me date sort, review, process, purge or reshuffle, and remember my someday-maybes, goals and crazy ideas. It's been a great trick to help me with "big-picture" thinking in smaller doses. It also simplified my filing system, which is helping me to get "lazier."

My tickler system consists of 49 folders. My system is paper based only, but tickler files could also work on a computer.

31 - Days of Month
12 - Months
1 - 2008 - (Next Year)
1 - 2009 - (Following Year)
1 - 5 Years
1 - 10 Years
1 - 15 Years
1 - Whenever
49 Folders

I also take pictures of my some-day maybes and goals and put them on my screen saver. I like visual reminders. Hope this helps.



5-10-15 years and whenever?

nancyrezmer;47499 said:
1 - 5 Years
1 - 10 Years
1 - 15 Years
1 - Whenever

What's the difference between these Someday/Maybe categories?
For me everything beyond 2009 (two years from now) is so distant in the future that I can't imagine how you can tell the difference between 5, 10, 15 years horizon.


Where Do You Keep Your Someday Maybe Items?

TesTeq;47504 said:
What's the difference between these Someday/Maybe categories?
For me everything beyond 2009 (two years from now) is so distant in the future that I can't imagine how you can tell the difference between 5, 10, 15 years horizon.

I think it depends on your age (37), until about five years ago I would not have had any long term plans.

For me these would be:
Up to 2 years - house rennovation project & wedding
5 years - travel in europe & migrate to Australia
10 years - projects around settling in Australia & travel in Asia
15 years - making retirement plans



I keep mine in a Section in OneNote named Someday. Each item has its own page, this page is date stamped automatically when it's created so i know how long it's been sitting there for. I try and review the list as part of my month end review.


Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks so much for all the replies - what I love about GTD is that no two individuals GTD tools have to be the same!

From cheap notepads, index cards with a clip, Moleskines, the myriad of GTD software, standard Outlook, PDA's to Tablet PC's - they're all are perfectly fine for GTD!

In other words, I love the fact that you can really individualise your GTD tools to suit your own preferences.

My query about the Someday Maybe list, came about because I find that if it's a category in my Outlook Tasks list (effectively my Next Actions List), every time I look at my NA's I also see the Someday Maybe category header too with the total number of items it contains.

It’s weird but I find this distracting – I start to think (or fret) about the items on that Someday Maybe list! If they’re tucked away in their own Word document or as notes in a folder, then they’re reviewed at the correct time, at least once a week and they’re no longer a daily distraction every time I look at my NA’s!

I’m keeping my system as simple as I can, as it’s predominantly run from my Windows Mobile PocketPC/Phone, which syncs with Outlook on the desktop PC. I’ve also a memory card, which stores all the documents and notes I need and both the Desktop PC and PocketPC can read/write to it.

It does mean I can’t use sub-folders in desktop Outlook, as they would not sync to the PocketPC. But, the fact that it’s truly portable more than makes up for this - it’s ideal to have all my contacts, projects, NA’s, documents and lists always at hand (literally!).

Thanks once again for all your advice, very much appreciated.

Andy D.


Folders 44 - 49

TesTeq, thanks for the clarification question. I went through my files to see what I have stored in folders 44 - 49. Pixlz, thanks for your breakdown on the 5, 10 & 15 year goals. It was fun to read.

With two children age 9 and 12, two family businesses, part-time jobs and many volunteer activities, the tickler file is a great sorter since it may be a few years before I act on my someday-maybe ideas. It is a relief for me to have them tucked safely away with a specific time to be reviewed and "listened to." As the someday-maybes get rotated within the tickler system, some ideas will stay and others will get ditched.

Next Year
Business Ideas, China, India, school programs, sports programs, fund-raisers, community events, language programs, Special Birthdays, Anniversaries, Historical anniversaries, service projects, vacations, house projects, clothing, and activities that match the school's curriculum for my children.

Following Year
Same as above with lots of brainstorming ideas, writing projects, future teaching assignments, and family goals.

Five Years
New businesses ideas, vacation information, house projects, college programs for my children, college scholarships, Europe, Senior Care for my dad, continuing education for myself, and many other ideas.

Ten Year
Empty Nest Ideas - my busiest folder! I love my kids, but my ten year file is looking good. New places to live, projects, sports, activities to dump, places to visit, people to support.

Fifteen Years
Retirement (I will be in my mid-sixties by this time), community involvement, new careers, Australia, Mt. Denali again, writing projects, doctorates degree, etc. Visit over 350 National Parks Systems.

Anything that is not related to the "best time" to do it. For example, new recipes to make, things to check out, movies to see, books to read, etc.

Hope this clarification helps those who may be numb to their someday-maybe list.

Thanks, Nancy


I just have a text file on my work computer which I sync with my palm. Then when I do my weekly review, I look down the list and see if I want to take on any of those ideas.


Where Do You Keep Your Someday Maybe Items?

nancyrezmer;47537 said:
With two children age 9 and 12,

Ten Year
Empty Nest Ideas - my busiest folder! I love my kids, but my ten year file is looking good. New places to live, projects, sports, activities to dump, places to visit, people to support.

Hi Nancy

I live with my partner and his two children aged 21 & 24 and there is no sign of an empty nest here! It's a good job you can move things about in those tickler files :)

Perhaps a smaller house when we get to Australia might encourage them to fly the nest?
