If you are not gettng breaks on your job, that is another subject entirely. If you work a certain number of hours on the job without a break, the company could be breaking the law,. It would depend on the laws in the UK. If this matters to you, you might need help in looking into this, If you belong to a union of workers on your job, the union could assist you. There may be a labor relations board in the UK that could assist you.
Tim, we here can suggest what might work best for you, but we are not in your exact situation, so we cannot be sure. You know more than we do about your circumstances, and the choice is always yours.
From your past conversations, I believe you are not comfortable writing reminders on paper in a small notebook you carry in your pocket with a pen or pencil, since it is hard for you to read your own writing. Despite these limitations, it might be the best alternative for you while at work.
@cfoley mentioned, you could use your phone to enter these reminders, but as he said, it might seem to your supervisor that you are not working when you are using your phone on the job, even if you are entering work-related items only.
Rather than entering only work related items, perhaps you want to enter whatever comes to your mind, as David Allen suggests. If so, then that might interfere with doing your job, since it is not work-related.
On the other hand, if you are walking from one place to another on your job, as you mentioned, and you cannot do any work until you get to the next place at your job, then it might
not take time away from your job to enter whatever comes to mind into your phone as you walk, so perhaps that might not bother your employer.
Can you walk from one place to another at work and enter things that come to your mind on your phone at the same time you are walking? Possibly, since walking is habitual and may not need much attention.
Might you bump into things at work while walking and entering things on your phone? Possibly, because your attention is on your phone. That might make it unsafe to use your phone while walking
If so, this might cause items at your workplace to fall and get scattered or broken, and you might get hurt, and these things might jeopardize your job. However, that might not happen. You may have perfected a dance of "walking while on phone" and avoiding obstacles with grace.
These things are a judgment call for you to make because you know your ciircumstances.
Although I could be wrong about this, I believe your job is an important source of income and independence for you. Therefore, I do not want anything to jeopardize your job. My advice is to use whatever entry method you like best, and to use your own personal time while you are not at your job to record whatever comes to your mind, instead of using your time on the job to do this.
However, you may see things differently. We can give your our thoughts, since we would like to help. but the choice always is yours.
Best wishes,