The heart of gtd process what are the Techniques for getting Next Action done ?


IMHO I think majority of gtd process handle organization issues for example organize your stuff into actionable and not actionable to projects and Next Actions ....etc. So I invite all experts and professionals here to share their valuable techniques of getting the next actions done esp if we need to get them done through other people. For example one method is to hold a meeting and sign minutes of meeting as an obligation that every party will get his actions done.Please share your experience


I can't think of one technique I use across the board, but there are some general strategies. First, I make sure that there's an agreement about who is responsible for an action or outcome and a clear definition as to what that action or outcome is. That could come in the form of a meeting, or a one-on-one conversation, or a phone call. It's possible to do by email but written communications increase the possibility of misunderstandings in my view.

Second, I try to learn what mode of follow-up works best for a given individual. Some people will accomplish what they agree to without follow-up. Others may respond well to reminder e-mails. Some people respond better to phone calls, texts or in-person meetings. It's all a matter of understanding the people you're working with and how best to hold them accountable.

I think the formula is pretty much what's outlined in the GTD book: define the next action or outcome, decide who is responsible, and if it's not you track that item in a Waiting For list to follow up on regularly. I've found that simply following up with people is surprisingly powerful.


Thank you bcmyers2112 for your insight. I think there are two types of GTD First type getting things done myself and Second type getting things done through others. First type is easy because i control project and next actions but the second type is harder because you need to control others to get work done. As you pointed out one strategy is to hold a meeting define who will do what and set due dates for every action then follow up after the meeting then check accountability in the next meeting. It is effective way for getting things done through other, but because of the whirlwind of daily tasks action fall in the cracks.Anyway i hope there are other techniques beside this one that members of this good forum can share with us