Regarding Digital Reference system(s). . . .


Fellow GTDers

Do you use more than one Digital File system(s) for internal and external digital reference?

If so, how many and do they mirror each other?
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I have one main file system, in Dropbox.
I use Apple Notes for readily accessible snippets of information and GoodLinks for web pages.
I also use several other programs, such as Bear or Omnivore, when Information is being aggregated and transformed, which is not strictly reference.
There’s no mirroring of structure, although my Areas of Focus do play a role.
You didn’t ask, but no, I don’t get confused as to where things are stored, although iCloud, which I also use, is ridiculous, reflecting a long-ago, discredited vision of how files should be stored.
I have one main file system, in Dropbox.
I use Apple Notes for readily accessible snippets of information and GoodLinks for web pages.
I also use several other programs, such as Bear or Omnivore, when Information is being aggregated and transformed, which is not strictly reference.
There’s no mirroring of structure, although my Areas of Focus do play a role.
You didn’t ask, but no, I don’t get confused as to where things are stored, although iCloud, which I also use, is ridiculous, reflecting a long-ago, discredited vision of how files should be stored.

GTD thank you sir
hmmm, I guess I do. I use OneDrive for all my files, photos, music etc. Then a combination of OneNote and Chrome browser for web-based content, Chrome for bookmarks, OneNote for sort of pulling together project files. I also find myself using Pinterest a lot for online visual reference.
I use Microsoft Onedrive and some list on apple note. I also use Evernote but only for anything coming from the web I wish to keep or think later on.
hmmm, I guess I do. I use OneDrive for all my files, photos, music etc. Then a combination of OneNote and Chrome browser for web-based content, Chrome for bookmarks, OneNote for sort of pulling together project files. I also find myself using Pinterest a lot for online visual reference.

Thank you very much
Do you use more than one Digital File system(s) for internal and external digital reference?
Can you explain what you mean by internal and external reference? All my digital files are on my main Macintosh computer. The apps I use to work with the catalog of those files are the Finder and Obsidian. Obsidian vaults are also synced to my laptop, iPad and iPhone.
Can you explain what you mean by internal and external reference? All my digital files are on my main Macintosh computer. The apps I use to work with the catalog of those files are the Finder and Obsidian. Obsidian vaults are also synced to my laptop, iPad and iPhone.

First, "External" and "Internal' reference purpose is a self-rigorous attempt to access and express life's 'reality enterprise' as clearly and efficiently as possible to minimize the need to think about them

Reference is defined as that which could likely require concerned attention into two/three overarching categories

External reference files are everything outside on immediate control that could require concerned attention

Internal reference files are everything within immediate control [or at least a 'fighting' chance] that could require concerned attention

External [Claims/Rights-&-Obligation engagements]: Car Service, Custodians [Fiscal], Legal, Online, Healthcare Providers, Insurance(s), Pharmacy, Residency, Stores, Taxes, etc.

Internal is divided: Intrinsic and Inherent [extrinsic]

Body: Bones, Cardio, Dental, Digestion, Emotions, Feet, Kidney's, Imagination/Memory, Liver, Senses [Eyes, Ears, Scent, Taste, Neurological], etc.
Soul: Intellect [Clarity, Reasoning, Thinking] and Will/Volition as presented by reason for Commitments, Disciplines, Purposes, etc.

Props [Tools]: Appliances, Books, Car, Computer(s), Casket/Plot, Clothes, Desks, Drawers, Dry-Rack, Files, GTD, House, Land, Rulers, Shoes, Toothbrush, Umbrella, etc.

Provisions [Reserves]: Air [tires], Band-Aids, Cotton-Rags, Currency/Rain-Checks, Detergents, Electricity, Envelopes-&-Stamps, Fiscal, Floss/Toothpaste, Food [Canned, Dry, Fresh, Frozen, Refrigerated], 'Fuel(s)', Internet, Licences, Paper, Pens, Phone, Powders, Tape, Toiletries, Water, etc.

Please accept every apology if External and Internal inquiry received any detail deemed as excessively undesirable

Thank you very much
Reference is defined as that which could likely require concerned attention into two/three overarching categories

External reference files are everything outside on immediate control that could require concerned attention

Internal reference files are everything within immediate control [or at least a 'fighting' chance] that could require concerned attention
If it works for you that's great.

Personally for me that is so far overcomplicated I know I could never use it or keep it current. The tension between what I think it ought to be vs what it is would drive me totally nuts. It's taken me several minutes and a drawing to even try to figure out what you said. I would just call those all reference, no need in my system to complicate or define it further.

Which just goes to show that GTD needs to be Personal and not follow any other person's prescribed way of doing things.
Fellow GTDers

Do you use more than one Digital File system(s) for internal and external digital reference?

If so, how many and do they mirror each other?
- The Brain (templated) by company or client
- Any storage tool when working collaboratively (my OneDrive, Googledoc…)

- OneNote
I have a non-digital system I forgot to mention which works very well. To implement the system, I use a large set of Pyrex containers, both round and rectangular, with plastic lids. Work which has been started but not finished is placed in an appropriate container and filed in the refrigerator. For example, last night’s leftover salmon and rice are each in their own containers. The hierarchical sizing and clear glass walls make for easy sorting and retrieval. As with any such system, it is important to remove regularly any old material which is stale or out-of-date. I highly recommend this system, as it has increased both efficiency and utilization since adoption.
If it works for you that's great.

Personally for me that is so far overcomplicated I know I could never use it or keep it current. The tension between what I think it ought to be vs what it is would drive me totally nuts. It's taken me several minutes and a drawing to even try to figure out what you said. I would just call those all reference, no need in my system to complicate or define it further.

Which just goes to show that GTD needs to be Personal and not follow any other person's prescribed way of doing things.

Perhaps one can say at least it might be a deterrent to cyber espionage?
Fellow GTDers

Do you use more than one Digital File system(s) for internal and external digital reference?

If so, how many and do they mirror each other?
Oh, sure!

I work in a place where there are a lot of security measures, meaning I have an "inside" and an "outside" system, with separate Outlook instances and file systems - and then there's my personal stuff...

Reference material live in email folders, file structures and cloud storage. Then there are notes, which reside in Notion and OneNote.

But: Nothing is ever mirrored, except for Dropbox and Google Drive content which are synced to my local hard drive...