Can you explain what you mean by internal and external reference? All my digital files are on my main Macintosh computer. The apps I use to work with the catalog of those files are the Finder and Obsidian. Obsidian vaults are also synced to my laptop, iPad and iPhone.
First, "External" and "Internal' reference purpose is a self-rigorous attempt to access and express life's 'reality enterprise' as clearly and efficiently as possible to
minimize the need to think about them
Reference is defined as that which could likely require concerned attention into two/three overarching categories
External reference files are everything outside on immediate control that could require concerned attention
Internal reference files are everything within immediate control [or at least a 'fighting' chance] that could require concerned attention
External [Claims/Rights-&-Obligation engagements]: Car Service, Custodians [Fiscal], Legal, Online, Healthcare Providers, Insurance(s), Pharmacy, Residency, Stores, Taxes,
Internal is divided:
Intrinsic and
Inherent [extrinsic]
Body: Bones, Cardio, Dental, Digestion, Emotions, Feet, Kidney's, Imagination/Memory, Liver, Senses [Eyes, Ears, Scent, Taste, Neurological],
Soul: Intellect [Clarity, Reasoning, Thinking] and Will/Volition as presented by reason for Commitments, Disciplines, Purposes,
Props [Tools]: Appliances, Books, Car, Computer(s), Casket/Plot, Clothes, Desks, Drawers, Dry-Rack, Files, GTD, House, Land, Rulers, Shoes, Toothbrush, Umbrella,
Provisions [Reserves]: Air [tires], Band-Aids, Cotton-Rags, Currency/Rain-Checks, Detergents, Electricity, Envelopes-&-Stamps, Fiscal, Floss/Toothpaste, Food [Canned, Dry, Fresh, Frozen, Refrigerated], 'Fuel(s)', Internet, Licences, Paper, Pens, Phone, Powders, Tape, Toiletries, Water,
Please accept every apology if
External and
Internal inquiry received any detail deemed as excessively undesirable
Thank you very much