
  1. TimBourne

    trying to come up with best system of moderation checking inboxes with ADHD or "maybe that’s the reason why I have recently been feeling extreme bipol

    Or dear Allens forum users "I sort of attempted to make a first sort of draft post which I can leave down below About basically the idea of 'limiting checking inboxes for digital accounts (consuming information) , my history of it, challenges which think had with my neurological disorder trying...
  2. TimBourne

    Going over Leo B article 'steps to clear desk' a 2nd time - I uploaded quick unprofessional notes of my first reading or you can go to if you like But need to go over through...
  3. TimBourne

    trying make my smart phone usage as environmentally friendly as possible with ADHD

    Based on my previous post where two users responded [] About topic of trying make my smart phone...