
  1. TimBourne

    topic of ‘learning’ documenting myself in an attempt of trying to use these methods

    "worth mind map about retention Learning technique" I https://www.facebook.com/timothy.bourner.3/posts/pfbid0eXUJ7gpZxKyc51JVVEnBdBCnGHzCu4sZTuaVBdg2ePHKJBbVbsxiWm3yo8tAUn7tl this facebook post was shared by myself. where I wrote " I did the type of test on this website for "determine what...
  2. B

    How to train myself to "engage" from my system, not my head.

    Hi all! I've been doing my best to learn GTD over the past year or so, and I've noticed consistently that for me, the hardest thing about GTD is actually engaging using my system and not my head. In general I think I've gotten pretty good about getting everything out of my head, and I'm...