
  1. A

    MS OneNote GTD Experience

    I have posted several times about my experience (trying) to use Microsoft OneNote for GTD. Initially “How do you do X using OneNote?” Now, more along the lines of “this is the best way I have found to do X using OneNote”. This thread to give a more central, gathered together, place for such...
  2. A

    Using tags with GTD (OneNote, other...)

    As you may have seen in other posts, I am using OneNote as my main GTD tool, and have started coding up my own extensions for the things that are missing. Just a few macros make OneNote much more useful! I should probably write up my current BKMs - but that is NOT this post. This post is...
  3. F

    Outlook vs OneNote - Privacy

    Hello everyone, First, sorry for the language mistakes. I'm implementing GTD and I chose Outlook and OneNote as tools. I bought the specific guides for these tools. As I use Outlook at work, it seems that this tool fits me best. I started using OneNote just for Reference and Project Support...
  4. S

    Bought the OneNote GTD Guide, Have a few questions about Outlook

    Hey All, I recently bought the $10 OneNote guide here and had some questions that my searching didn't seem to resolve. These question are specifically surrounding onenote and outlook. In outlook I have setup the @ACTION SUPPORT and @WAITING FOR SUPPORT FOLDERS and am active putting items in...
  5. A

    How to keep a time based LOG / journal / diary in OneNote?

    Elsewhere I have described how my current flow is based around a log (aka journal, aka diary) kept in time based order. That's the part of my current system that works - capturing stuff. But I want to get better at tracking stuff, e.g. in GTD lists. I have also posted questions about...
  6. A

    Does anyone use OneNote Find Tags to extra GTD or other to-do lists?

    BRIEF: The subject is my question: Does anyone use OneNote Find Tags to extract GTD or other to-do lists? Regularly. On a daily basis. If so, what is your work-flow? What sequence of operations and manual edits do you use? ---+ DETAIL I would really, Really, REALLY, like to be able to use...
  7. A

    OneNote Tasks <-> Outlook Tasks <-> iOS Reminders Tasks

    Q: is anyone managing to synchronize OneNote Tasks all the way to iOS (iPhone) Reminders, by using Outlook Tasks as an intermediate step? --- TL;DR --- [Minor edits - typos] Elsewhere I have described how I use OneNote on a convertible tablet PC, wearable iPhone and Apple Watch, and how I...
  8. A

    Newbie: OneNote, iPhone, ...

    ---+ Hello. I'm a newbie Hello. I'm a newbie here. Seeking help/advice wrt using GTD on Win10 SurfBook + iPhone. (More details below.) You may have noticed a flurry of posts by me, mostly replies to existing threads, and a few new threads. Sudden flurry, because I am trying to decide if...