zen to done

  1. TimBourne

    Going over Leo B article 'steps to clear desk' a 2nd time

    https://www.facebook.com/timothy.bourner.3/posts/pfbid0Z8adTvkMcsEmPa9rqWAM2zoxPwTQhFohPq9nsJWTcQ8JYfauy71oRpGGu1S5EHSil - I uploaded quick unprofessional notes of my first reading or you can go to https://zenhabits.net/steps-to-permanently-clear-desk/ if you like But need to go over through...
  2. TimBourne

    About zen to done system or ZTD movement "(trying to overcome problem of digital GTD)

    About the topic of ‘zen to done GTD - summary videos ‘After I had a series of videos from example user pollifax @Mrs-Polifax shared recommended to myself with things such as productivity game summary of GTD system, book by david allen, also his summary video YT of “checklist manifesto”, also...