A River Runs Through It.



Would you like to ghost write my autobiography? You’ve made a good start!

I love your idea of randomly selecting CDs. At the moment, my listening time is mostly in the car. I tend to “mood manage” the drive to work and back with a careful (and unfortunately small) selection of CDs. This leaves all the others waiting for “the right time”.

As a teenager, I was completely open to whatever anyone gave or recommended me. I got the most out of each, and the better ones became bench-marks for what I looked for later in life. I still have that open mind when listening to the radio, but strangely, once I get possession of a new piece, I tend to stow it away and carry on the search for the next “perfect” piece. (Or is it the ultimate perfect piece?)

Are you, like me, in a non creative job?
Lately, my obsession was, what would be my primary creative outlet? Drawing? Music? Writing? It was driving me crazy. Then, I realized I wasn't in fact DOING any of these things, I was just obsessing about which ONE to do.

I could rewrite that slightly for myself by saying that at this stage, ANY creative outlet would do!

I’ve dabbled in music, writing, art … but now for example we are doing some shopping around for new furniture, and I am saying to myself “Hey! I could really express myself through interior decorating!”

I love where you say that you can “look back on the last year and wonder what all the fuss was about.” That’s the sensation I usually get when I finally get around to finally doing something rather than thinking about it. I always end up writing notes to myself afterwards like “doing is much quicker and easier than you thought” and so on.

As for the “squibs of info-nuggets on all areas of life” I console myself by believing that one day I will write a huge novel that will contain them all and “delightfully” or “intriguingly” set out "my" view of life. (Or else I will package them as a book of quotations – they seem to sell well!).

Thanks Mike
