

Just wondering if anyone has used this software? I noticed it on the U3 Software site, and while I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, seems like it might have some useful GTD applications. Its free, has a portable (U3) edition, and integrates with Outlook/Thunderbird/etc.

Has anyone stumbled across this before? I'm largely a paper person, but its always interesting to see what new tools are out there.


I am trying Accomplice...

I recently came across Accomplice at the Digital Life show in NYC in the U3 Smart Drives booth. I had a brief discussion with one of their people and decided to try out the application on a U3 drive.

First reaction - Yes, it can be used for managing a GTD system.

It is still a young product and will benefit from user feedback, especially from GTD users.

One shortcoming I noticed immediately and inquired about - although it is designed to work off of a U3 drive and it supports Thunderbird email client - the program could not use portable Thunderbird (U3) off of the same U3 drive as a source for email. It needs to see the mail client on the main machine.

This seems like an immediate show stopper from my point of view. The program also did not recognize my Corporate email client (don't laugh... Netscape 7.2 Mail - for now) so this meant I couldn't use Accomplice for interacting with Corporate emails at work.

I will be monitoring the progress of this app - and if they get it to work with a U3 based Thunderbird - I then might use it more at least for managing my home related tasks.

Anybody else have any Accomplice experience they want to share?


PS: I am focusing my attention on Thinking Rock now as my preferred GTD tool!