Incidently, if you're wondering why you should consider Action Lists on the iPhone and iPod touch for managing your GTD lists, here's a couple reasons:
Action Lists is a specialized tool for Getting Things Done. Most of the popular productivity apps for the iPhone support GTD in some manner, but they do it while trying to still appeal to a general audience. In the process, their GTD support becomes watered down and less than it could be. Action Lists doesn't make this mistake. It's designed specifically for GTD, and doesn't make compromises.
Action Lists features a better, faster, way to access your information. In most other "to do" apps for the iPhone, if you are browsing your tasks by context and you want to look at a project, you have to back out of the several menu items that you had earlier accessed, and then drill down into the project. Not in Action Lists. Action Lists features a convenient tab bar user interface that puts your projects a single tap away. In fact, in Action Lists all of your GTD lists are available at the tap of a single button on the tab bar.
Action Lists syncs to the cloud. Unlike other popular iPhone apps which only sync to a home computer, Action Lists synchronizes with the popular, and free, Toodledo web service. From Toodledo you can connect to a number of different applications and services including Apple iCal, Microsoft Outlook,, Google Calendars, and more. If you choose to upgrade to a paid Toodledo account, you can take advantage of features that let you share and collaborate with others online.
Action Lists has all the features you expect in a powerful task manager. In Action Lists, your tasks and lists are fully searchable so that you can find what you need easily. Action Lists also allows you to divide projects into more managable subprojects, create tasks that repeat on a schedule that you choose, and turn your iPhone sideways to display a larger landscape keyboard. Features like these help create a tool that is powerful and easy to use.
Action Lists goes beyond the expected to offer features that competing apps don't have. Because Action Lists is a dedicated GTD tool, it can offer GTD-specific features that wouldn't make sense in a general purpose app. For instance, you can set up a "tickler file" in Action Lists so that future tasks remain hidden until a user-specified start date. Then, when the start date is reached, they appear in your inbox, ready for processing. Action Lists also offers the ability to email tasks to others from within the app, and a unique feature that creates a list of tasks from the contents of your iPhone's clipboard -- great to have when someone sends you an email with a list of things to do.
If you want more information about Action Lists, or want to see screenshot of the app, please visit its