Given that only that which must be done on certain day and 'also' at a certain time is on the Calendar, what do you, as fellow GTDers say that Daily Routines . . . those done every day in living everyday . . . at perhaps certain times daily be on the calendar?
Thinking to do so, might best optimize one's Contexts Lists prior to next 'Calendar commitment' to best know what one can best do from one's Context Lists until one's next 'Calendar commitment' and thus clearly/realistically align both realities with one commitments?
Aside from what any of you do regarding the Calendar commitments relative to Daily Routine(s) commitments, if you so please, anyone who recalls this Calendar and Daily Routine dynamic, or anything close, in any of David Allen's publication, then please cite where it can be found. Most appreciated, thank you very much.
Again, Thank you very much
Thinking to do so, might best optimize one's Contexts Lists prior to next 'Calendar commitment' to best know what one can best do from one's Context Lists until one's next 'Calendar commitment' and thus clearly/realistically align both realities with one commitments?
Aside from what any of you do regarding the Calendar commitments relative to Daily Routine(s) commitments, if you so please, anyone who recalls this Calendar and Daily Routine dynamic, or anything close, in any of David Allen's publication, then please cite where it can be found. Most appreciated, thank you very much.
Again, Thank you very much