Oogiem;94190 said:
For me I like seeing a separate context of @waiting for because I have so many waiting for's. My tickler is day specific, a waiting for is rarely defined to be reviewed on a particular day and having them come up in the tickler is irritating to me. I review them weekly to see if I need to poke on them in the coming week.
That may work best for you, and if so, it supports a theory I have that GTD is not
only about getting stuff out of your head (such as remembering to do this and that)
but also about getting stuff into your head (long-term perspective, priorities, and
lots of useful though not essential facts such as "don't worry, I've already got an
entry about that in my waiting-fors"). Martin Ternouth talks about the value of getting
information into your head by rapidly reviewing stuff on paper.
If I had a lot of waiting-fors, and if having them in the tickle file irritated me, I might
set up a mini-tickle file just for the waiting-fors, with one folder for each week.
My tickle file contains not only day-specific items but also items that are more
appropriate at some vague future time; however, not items I just don't have time
to do when I put them in.