Alternate to FacileThings / Purest GTD App

Hi Ivan,

You could give a shot. It's currently only on iPhone and iPad, but is completely usable on them and is very strict GTD. A web version (PWA, so it'll be installable on Windows, not just a web app) is planned, so if you like how it works on iOS, it'll eventually work on the surface (I have a Surface Go and have been eyeing replacing my MacBook with a SurfaceBook). Maybe add it to Someday/Maybe. ;-)
Hi Ivan,

You could give a shot. It's currently only on iPhone and iPad, but is completely usable on them and is very strict GTD. A web version (PWA, so it'll be installable on Windows, not just a web app) is planned, so if you like how it works on iOS, it'll eventually work on the surface (I have a Surface Go and have been eyeing replacing my MacBook with a SurfaceBook). Maybe add it to Someday/Maybe. ;-)
Thanks, took a peak and it looks very early on which makes me a bit nervous to commit to it. Until a pc / web version is out its also a nonstarter for me.
Hi Ivan,

You could give a shot. It's currently only on iPhone and iPad, but is completely usable on them and is very strict GTD. A web version (PWA, so it'll be installable on Windows, not just a web app) is planned, so if you like how it works on iOS, it'll eventually work on the surface (I have a Surface Go and have been eyeing replacing my MacBook with a SurfaceBook). Maybe add it to Someday/Maybe. ;-)
Hi Grant, I have been beta testing Starfish. It has been coming along nicely. I especially like the descriptions you provide at each step of the GTD process (very helpful) and that you draw inspiration from David Allen’s sketches of the ultimate GTD app. Some months ago, I heard David Allen discuss those sketches on a podcast and was intrigued. Later, when I stumbled on Starfish, I was delighted to find an app designed for strict GTD. I currently use Todoist and also use Pleexy to send to-dos from Evernote to Todoist automatically. I am not entirely happy with my current Todoist set up though. This weekend I am adding more projects to Starfish to see what happens when I scale up. And I will be rereading Getting Things Done to get the most out of my experiment. So, thanks for developing Starfish!
Currently using a Spreadsheet with satisfaction: Trusted Spreadsheet platform is going to be around for a very long time and keeps me "me-&-data 'hostage-free'", All in One Place [One Workbook], Tabs [Worksheets] facilitate Clear Edges, Clean Listing System, Hidden Comments for Support [Connecting Actions with Projects might also be down the road?], and perhaps most importantly, readily facilitates Weekly Review, etc. Comments and critiques always welcomed