Overly simplified GTD mechanism as 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . framework
From Inbox to Organize:
1. Reference / Support / Trash
2. Projects appropriately aligned with Areas-of-Focus [Life's Concerns]
3. Next Action Contexts [always strategically parlaying next opportunity executions with the big, bad Calendar Explicit-&-'Implicit' . . . make the 'imposing enemy' the frenemy ?]
Hopefully the above offers at least a very small smidgen of GTD merit
Thank you very much
As you see GTD fit. . . .
From Inbox to Organize:
1. Reference / Support / Trash
2. Projects appropriately aligned with Areas-of-Focus [Life's Concerns]
3. Next Action Contexts [always strategically parlaying next opportunity executions with the big, bad Calendar Explicit-&-'Implicit' . . . make the 'imposing enemy' the frenemy ?]
Hopefully the above offers at least a very small smidgen of GTD merit
Thank you very much
As you see GTD fit. . . .
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