Mac users/Entourage
Erinn, Here is how I use Entourage 2004
My work projects are client centered, so my projects are by client name. When the project is closed I archive it, and as I have recently found when a project I thought was closed, became active, its very easy to open it again.
I have my related email on a project going directly into that projects file. I attach all contacts. I sort my contacts by categories, client, other side, lawyer, broker, financial advisor etc. So when I hit contacts under a project file I have everyone who is involved in a case right there. All my hard dates are in the calendar. I link them to the project. All My tasks use the standard GTD categories @office, @errands @phone and a few that are specific to me and linked. I use the sort functions due today and this week to identify those items that I have to get done on a time certain. I usually use a self imposed due date so I am aware of how long something has been sitting.
All documents that are drafted for a particular project are linked to that project. One clink and you are there. Terrific when a someone calls to review a draft. No running to get the file.
I create one note for each project and that's a running commentary on what I have done, info I need to remember, what's next etc.
I am going to create a check list for each type of project and I will link the appropriate check list as a note.
I also categorize clients by type-business, real estate etc. so that I can send appropriate newsletters etc to the clients. Since we can have multiple categories some appear under several categories.
The Project list doesn't link to the palm. But the older I get the more I like to work on a larger screen. I have the Mac 23 inch screen which I LOVE.
When I am away from the desk I need contacts, calendar, and task lists and all those link very well to my Zire 72.
For me its project support and GTD in one terrific package.